7. Trouble in Paradise

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Later that week, Ron was still complaining about his hands. The bandages were gone, but the pus had scathed the skin severely. So Harry guessed it must still be rather sore. As Hermione started to explain to him which contents of the Bubotuber pus exactly were doing the damage, Harry's mind started to drift.

Particularly to a blonde head moving down the hallway purposefully. He seemed to want to get somewhere really quickly. Harry grinned and caught his eyes as he got closer. He felt excitement running down his spine and he winked, only earning a glare in return before Draco passed him and disappeared in the crowd of busy students. But Harry had still seen the slight pink on his cheeks. He had found out that he did not even need to say anything. Just winking at Malfoy already caused a slight reaction. Although not as obvious.

Ron rolled his eyes. "You're doing it again."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Grinning like a maniac while looking after Malfoy." Ron grimaced.

"It's so fun to annoy him." Harry grinned. "He gets so tongue tied when I do it."

"It's going to come back and bite you in the arse, I'm telling you."

Now it was Harry's turn to roll his eyes. "It's just for fun, Ron. Nothing's gonna happen." Ron still looked apprehensive, but he decided to drop it. Instead, he started to talk about the latest Quidditch match by he Holyhead Harpies.


It seemed like nowadays, they did nothing but study. Exams were getting closer, as was the third task. What helped was Ron complaining together with Harry about the work loads. And what always lifted his mood was Malfoy blushing at his comments. There was nothing as delightful compared to the feeling of being able to charm a blush on these pale cheeks.

Ron and Hermione always just rolled their eyes when Harry gave Malfoy a cheesy compliment or a suggestive comment.

"Harry." The trio turned around to see Neville, who hurried to catch up with them. "Hey guys." He said once he reached them. Together, they started walking again to their next lesson, Defence Against The Dark Arts. "Cedric told me to tell you that you are supposed to come out to the Quidditch field after dinner."

"Why?" Harry asked.

Neville shrugged. "Some Champion stuff."

"The last task is a month away." Harry pointed out.

"Actually, it's only three weeks and four days." Hermione said. Harry looked at her, surprised. "I knew that you weren't keeping track." Hermione said. "You're trying to ignore it for as long as you can. It's stressful, I get it."

Harry frowned. The task was getting closer and he had no idea what is was about. And it was a task made for students who were at least in sixth year.

"Why did you talk to Cedric?" Ron asked Neville.

"I sometimes talk to Hufflepuffs." Neville said. "I feel like they understand me better than Gryffindors most of the time. No offence... Harry, why'd you stop walking?"

Harry had not really noticed he stopped, but something caught his eyes. It was, what a surprise, Malfoy. And like always, there was this Beauxbatons guy. But they were not with their gang. They were alone, standing in a corner a bit away from the busy hustle of students. Harry could not hear what they were saying, but they were obviously arguing. It was strangely satisfactory for Harry.

"Trouble in paradise." Hermione commented.

"Don't you normally say that for couples?" Neville wondered. Hermione shot him a look. "Oh." Neville said. "Who would have guessed..." Harry tore his eyes away from Malfoy to look from Neville to Hermione and back.

"What..." He frowned, then looked back at Malfoy and the Beauxbatons. He remembered the first confrontation he had with Malfoy and that guy. It was when him and Hermione were practising Accio in that deserted classroom. They had been acting strange... And what were they doing looking for a deserted classroom alone? Unless... "No way." Harry whispered.

He looked at Hermione for help, but she just gave him a knowing, slightly worried smile. He looked at Ron, who shrugged. "Took you long enough, didn't it."

Harry glared at his best friend and looked back at the arguing... couple? "I still don't like him." Harry said.

"What a surprise." Hermione said. This time, Harry understood the sarcasm.


Following Neville's instructions, Harry went down to the Quidditch pitch that evening. Many students were standing in front of the castle as he stepped outside. It was a beautiful summer evening, although still chilly. Spotting a group of sixth year Slytherins, Harry got the urge to look for certain fourth years. It took him a while, but strolling past a few second year Ravenclaws, he spotted them.

Too bad they were in the other direction than the Quidditch field. And it would be weird to go there just to leave exactly to the direction he had come from. They would think he just came for them... or well, for Malfoy. But after what he had just found out this morning, he felt the urge to... he did not know, just to talk to him.

So he changed direction, went back to the castle door and into the other direction, making sure to make a circuit before reaching the Slytherins. "Malfoy." He said.

The boy turned around and rolled his eyes. "How may I help you, Potter." He said sarcastically.

"Oh," Harry stepped just a step closer. "Well, I can think of a few thinks." He said lowly, not shying away from his gaze. He did not look away, did not want to. He saw Malfoy's lips parting slowly and there was something suggestive about it. A second later, his gaze was hard again and he glared, but Harry had reached his goal. His cheeks got this charming tint of pink. Before Malfoy could say anything, Harry stepped back. "You look good today, Malfoy." Harry shot him a smile and quickly turned away.

Hurrying to the Quidditch field, he wondered why his heart was beating so quickly. Harry felt like this time was different. It was more genuine. Sure, he knew Malfoy was at least interested in boys, but still, Harry had never considered himself... And with Malfoy?

Why was he even thinking about this? This was all a big joke. Never would something serious happen between them. They hated each other. That was it.

He had other things to worry about. Like the third task.

Reaching the Quidditch field, he was devastated to see that it was turned into a huge maze. And judging by the look on Cedric Diggory's face, he was thinking the same thing.

Their poor Quidditch field...


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