11. Explanations

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 "Lemon drops." Hermione told the bronze coloured gargoyle which was as tall as Harry and Ron together. At once, it rotated upwards, giving way to a circular staircase. Quickly, Hermione jumped on a stone stair and got spiralled upwards. Harry and Ron followed suit. Once the staircase stopped moving, the trio walked up the last few stairs and stood in a large circular room. The walls were also made of stone and one side was full of portraits of former headmistresses and headmasters. The desk and shelves as well as small tables were piled with curious items, some emitting smoke, some making noises and others moving. Above the right hand side of the desk some kind of golden platter jutted out of the wall and on it sat a beautiful familiar bird.

Harry had a sudden flashback to second year in the chamber of secrets. The cries of the bird, the sounds of fighting and the gruesome shadow play that showed a bird picking at the huge snake's eyes... The Phoenix had saved his life. And gave him new hope.

As if guessing what was going on in Harry's head, Fawkes looked right back at Harry, almost looking like he was smiling, which was of course impossible for a bird.

At last, Harry looked at the headmaster behind his desk. With him stood Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and...

"Cedric!" Hermione exclaimed. Right, Harry thought. The guy had been missing since after the Tournament. Now that he thought about it, Harry could not remember seeing the boy since yesterday, which was strange since he was the winner of the Triwizard Tournament.

Cedric just nodded at them. He was the only one besides the headmaster who was sitting in a chair. He looked a little paler than usual.

"Welcome." Dumbledore said.

"Where have you been?" Mc Gonagall scolded. "We have been waiting for a while now. Didn't I tell you to come directly after our visitors have departed?"

"Yes, we're really sorry, Professor." Hermione said. Ron nodded in agreement, looking genuinely remorseful. Harry said nothing. He was too busy wondering what this was about.

"Come here, please." Dumbledore beckoned them to come closer. "We have a lot to discuss."

Hermione led the boys to stand in front of the desk, right next to Cedric. For a few long moments, no one said anything. Dumbledore just watched the trio thoughtfully. McGonagall looked at him expectantly before looking impatiently at the small, golden pocket watch lying on Dumbledore's desk. Cedric looked too tired to worry about the awkward silence and Professor Sprout looked worried while frequently glancing at the Hufflepuff.

It was Ron who broke the tense silence. "So... What's up?"

"That," Dumbledore fixed him with a piercing stare, making Ron even more nervous. "Is a wonderful question. Unfortunately, we're a little stuck on that part. I must admit, I find it hard to decide where to begin."

"Why don't we start with, where were you yesterday at the task, Mr. Potter?" Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"Umm..." Harry tensed. He had feared that question coming up, but he had kind of hoped there were more pressing matters to discuss.

"We heard a warning yesterday." Hermione jumped in. "They said Harry was in great danger if he competed at the Tournament."

Professor Sprout seemed to get taller and her face grew red with anger. "And you couldn't care enough to tell us?"

The trio looked at her with great surprise. During their four years in Hogwarts they had not once seen her angry. Not even with the Slytherins in her Herbology class. And the reason for her anger was not clear to any of them.

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