14. Harry's visions

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The room was only lit by a few torches on the wall. The flames cast dancing shadows on the round wooden table that seemed to stand in the corner of the room. "I don't like this table." Harry said, but apparently, all he could do was whisper. He looked to the seats next to him where Draco's parents, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, sat. They seemed to be avoiding looking at Harry. "We're gonna need a bigger one for our meetings once I'm really back." Harry whispered.

He turned around and looked into the length of the room. It was about 15 Metres long, but only about four Metres wide. The beige-green curtains were closed in front of the high windows that spread on the left-hand side. On the other side was a huge fireplace. For a moment, Harry wondered why no one had bothered to light it.

"We will be sure to replace it with something more suitable, my Lord." Lucius Malfoy said.

My Lord? Harry wondered. Why would Lucius-

"I should hope ssso." Harry hissed. "It is a huge honour that I chose you after you have done nothing for me in the past yearsssss." He saw the Malfoy couple flinch and felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

"Yes, a huge honour." Lucius hurriedly assured. "We are so sorry, my Lord. If there had been a sign or anything-"

"Let's not have this conversation again." Harry whispered, although he got the feeling he might not exactly be himself. "I came here because I need Harry Potter. And young Malfoy might be just the right person to help us."

"Please do not involve Draco in this." Narcissa spoke up for the first time.

"Why not?" Harry hissed. "Do you have reservations about me returning, Narcissssssssa." He saw her flinch and shake her head, all while avoiding looking at Harry.

"Of course she wants you to return, my Lord." Lucius jumped in. "We all wish for nothing more. We'll do everything we can."

"Then get me the boy!" Harry hissed, which sent more chills down his spine than any yell could have. He felt a sharp burn on his forehead and suddenly, the whole scenery disappeared.


He glanced into the worried eyes of Ron, then looked around the room. He sat on a mattress on the floor. The Weasleys had invited him for Christmas and now he was sleeping with Ron in the attic. On different mattresses, of course. But apparently, Harry's yell of agony was enough to wake up his best friend.

"Are you okay?"

Harry glanced back at him and slowly let go of his forehead. The pain had subsided. Harry let himself fall back onto the mattress. "He's at the Malfoy's." Harry said.

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Voldemort." Harry ignored Ron flinching. "I've had a dream like this before. Where I could see what he was doing. Right before the fourth year started."

"You can see what You Know Who is doing?" Ron sat up in his bed completely, probably to be able to think better. He was just awoken in the middle of the night, after all. "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure." Harry confirmed. He was still too embarrassed and freaked out to tell Ron he took Voldemort's perspective when he had those dreams.

"Alright." Ron said. "And what was he doing?"

"Talking to Draco's parents." Harry said. "He plans on coming back, but he still needs me for that. And he wants to use Draco to get me."

"Are you sure it wasn't just a normal dream?" Ron asked. "I mean, you are pretty obsessed with Malfoy. I mean, Draco. But his parents may also be something your dreams could be concerned about. And You Know Who too."

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