15. Save Draco

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"So," George said as soon as then had landed on a neatly mown meadow. The grass was still wet from the morning dew and Harry could feel his socks getting soaked through his beaten, hand down sneakers from Dudley. "What's the plan?"

Harry turned away from the Weasleys to eye the Malfoy Manor. He had not had much time to come up with a plan, too preoccupied with his vision about Draco.

Draco. Only a few walls separated them. Hoping he was alright, Harry tried not to let the horrible pictures of this morning distract him.

The Malfoy Manor was huge, not that he was surprised. Despite the obvious flair of wealth the old stonewalls and high towers emitted, the house felt somehow hostile and constrictive to look at. Maybe it was because all the high windows were divided in many small quadratic windows which resembled a muggle prison. Or maybe it was because of the wealthy atmosphere surrounding the building. Or maybe it was all in Harry's head and all he saw in the house was Draco being hurt by Voldemort.

Harry had to get in. There had to be a way to do that without alarming anyone unwanted.

"Are we gonna steal their Earl Grey tea?" Fred mocked with a posh accent.

"What are you doing?" At Ron's irritated question Harry turned back to the Weasleys. Fred leaned against a wooden pole with a blonde, long wig on his head and held his nose up high in an arrogant manner. George also had a wig which he was still struggling to put on without a bunch of Malfoy bright blonde hair hanging in his face.

"Just trying to fit in." Fred said.

"Where did you even get these?" Ron asked.

"How is that important right now?" Harry snapped at them.

"Do you have an idea?" Fred asked, swinging his pole around in circles effortlessly.

"We need a way to get in unseen." Harry said.

"Genius." George said sarcastically.

"Well, you could help too." Harry snapped.

"Alright." George held up his hands in defence.

"Got your invisibility cloak?" Ron asked.

"Yes." Harry reached into his pocket.

"That won't help you." George said.

"Don't you know what happens if you approach the Burrow unwanted?" Fred asked.

"This is an even older, probably much safer building." George threw his long blonde hair back over his shoulder. "Generations of proud, stuck-up blonde witches and wizards have messed with the security charms of this... Manor." He looked disgusted saying the last word. It was no surprise. The Weasley twins, more than anyone Harry knew, despised people who for one reason or another felt like they were worth more than others.

"Maybe they didn't charm the attic window." Fred said. "No one ever thinks of those."

George nodded. "It's the only invadable point in the Burrow."

"How do you know that?" Ron sounded upset. "And why do you not do something about this security issue."

"Do you feel unsafe, little brother?" Fred said faux-soothingly.

"Of course not." Ron defended. "Still, it's a little hurtful that you would let me sleep there even when you know it's the least safe room in the house."

"Come on, Ron." George said. "When was the Burrow ever invaded?"

"Besides." Fred said. "It can come in handy to have a leak."

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