9. Aftermath

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Harry was unable to move. It was scary, knowing there was someone who just used a total body binding spell on him and not being able to see them, much less defend himself. "Wingardium Leviosa." Someone whispered and Harry felt the floor moving away. Someone was levitating him away and all Harry could do was let it happen. He was panicking.

The ceiling had never seemed higher to Harry. Artful arches spanned over the brown, grey stone architecture. At the same time, he had no idea how far above the ground he was floating. Arch by arch passed above him and he lost all feeling of distance and time. It occurred to him what horrible things could be done to people in a vulnerable, helpless position like this. He could feel his heart speed up in his chest. If he could at least see who was having him under his spell.

The warning Neville had given him came to Harry's mind. "I think something terrible is going to happen in that maze. Like, deadly terrible." Was this it? Was this how Harry was going to die?

Harry heard someone whisper, "Alohomora." From this whisper, Harry could not tell anything about the persons voice, not even the gender. He felt his body being rotated 90 degrees and soon he could see a door frame, followed by a much lower ceiling, typical for a classroom. Except there were tons of spiderwebs sticking around. He could only see that for a second though, because the next moment, Harry heard the door click closed and everything went black.

Harry panicked even more. He wanted to protest. He could not move, he could not see anything and he could not even say anything. Judging by the ceiling, this room had not been visited for ages so if he was just left here, he would die a slow, painful, helpless death. Surprisingly gently, Harry hit the floor. "Incendio." Someone whispered and Harry saw the room light up. "Evanesco." They whispered and the spiderwebs disappeared from Harry's sight.

Harry's heart rate slowed down a bit down. Instead, curiosity and confusion replaced his headless panic. What was the purpose of cleaning the room the person had kidnapped Harry into? Harry heard footsteps coming closer. Careful to not move into Harry's sight, the person crouched down beside him. Hands rummaged through Harry's robes. They seemed to have found what they were looking for because Harry sensed them standing up again. Next thing Harry heard were footsteps moving away and a click indicating that the door was opened again. Harry's heart rate speed up again. Was this person going to leave Harry here, helplessly laying on the cold caste floor?

"Finite." Harry heard a whisper shortly before the door fell completely closed. It took him a few seconds to realize that the feeling of the full body-binding spell was gone. Quickly, he jumped up and looked around. As expected, his attacker was gone. The classroom was completely empty. Judging by the lack of windows and the slightly moist odour, Harry guessed it was located in the dungeons.

Hurrying to the heavy wooden door, his hand went to his pocket. It grasped at nothing. His other hand gripped the doorknob and jiggled. Locked. He checked his other pockets but it was no good. The kidnapper had taken his wand. Harry was trapped.

Hoping someone would hear him, Harry pounded against the door, but he had little hope. His kidnapper must have thought this through. They probably cast Muffliato or something, thus even if someone would walk by, they would not hear him.

So what was their aim? If they wanted Harry trapped, why did they not keep him in Petrificus totalus? And why would they want him trapped in the first place? Probably to keep him away from the Third Task. But why? So they had a better chance of winning? That was a dangerous accusation.

Whoever it was with whichever goal, Harry's biggest worry was what they wanted from him. Did they just want him gone? Starve to death in a room no one would look for him in? Or would they come back with a more powerful wizard or witch to defeat him, torture him...

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