Chapter 12

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HEYO FELLOW HETALIANS!!! I AM OFFICIALLY BACK!!! I'm in my fifth week of school for the year, and I have survived a catagory 5 cyclone, BUT HEY! There's always time for writing fan fictions... Isn't there? Anywho, I have come back to write you fabulously fabulous readers another fabulously fabulous chapter. Ok, now that's out of my system, lets get started on this fabulously fabulous chapter.


"Hey, Alfred!" you cried as you finally found someone to talk to.

"Hey, (Male Name)!" he cried back as he tried to untangle himself from a bunch of streamers, only to end up sprawled all over the floor. You began to laugh as you helpped him untangle himself from the mess.

"You've got to be more careful, Alfred!" you laughed while he sheepishly stood in front of you with his now disheveled clothing.


You turned around, confussed as to who had suddenly shouted your 'name'. You saw Emil standing by the door with his face red from anger as he held the beak of a puffin. You quickly went over to him, leaving Alfred standing by himself with an expression that I am going to leave for you to make up yourself.

"Oh, hi, (Male Name)." Emil said, obviously suprised to see you.

"Did you just shout out my name?" you asked as you stared at his hypnotic brown eyes.

"He didn't, but I did. Emil here wouldn't stop talking about you for the past week. Aparently you look like the type of person who would be cool to hang out with, but to me, you just look like a Cross-Dresser." The puffin suddenly said, causing you to jump back in fright and look questioningly at Emil, clearly wanting to know if you were crazy or not.

"(Male Name), this is Mr Puffin. Mr Puffin, this is (Male Name), and clearly he is not a Cross-Dresser. Sure, he looks really girlish, but come on. You have to think logically about this."

"But if you decided to see it my way, then you would clearly see that this kid here is a Cross-Dresser!" Mr Puffin argued with Emil. You just stood there in shock as you tried to process what had just happened.

Firstly, you discovered that puffins could talk, well, this one anyway. Secondly, he had called you a Cross-Dresser. To be honest, he wasn't very far off from the truth, what with you being a girl and all. And thirdly, Emil could actually utter more than 12 syllables in the one sentence when he actually wanted to.

Your thoughts were interupted when you felt someone waving their hand infront of your face.

"(Male Name)? (Male Name)? Earth to (Male Name)?"

You quickly adjusted to your surroundings and looked at Emil as he took hos hand away from your face.

"I know that seeing Mr Puffin talk for the first time can be a huge shock, but you get used to it after a while." he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, it sure is a suprise," you replied as you took a step backwards. "and I would love to stay and chat, but I should go back to my room, since I have something really important to do." you quickly finished as you made your way to the other door on the other side of the room.

As you left, you could hear Mr Puffin sating something to Emil, but it was too faint for you to hear.

•••••••••••••••••No Ones Pov••••••••••••

Allen and Oliver tried to lean over eachother to see what was happening. (Male Name), if that was even her name, had just walked out of the room, leaving that Emil kid dumbfounded. Oliver then quickly glanced at his phone and saw a message from Luciano.

Allen looked at him questioningly, woundering when they were going to put the plan in action. Oliver then put his phone away an glanced at Alfred as he hung streamers from the ceiling.

"It's time."


You opened the door to your dorm and saw someone that obviously wasn't Ivan sitting on his bed.

"Umm... can I help you with anything?" you awkwardly asked as you took a step towards the stranger.

"Yes, you can, bella." the stranger said as he stood up and took your hand.

"You can help me by helping my friends and I sabotage this 'party' tonight." he continued as he kissed your hand while looking at you through his long eyelashes.

He stepped back, giving you space to think. You were suprised, since 1: he some how knew you were a girl, and 2: he wanted to ruin Alfred's party. But what for? Did this guy even know Alfred? If he did, then why would he want to ruin/crash the party? As you were thinking this, the mysterious boy in front of you coughed, bringing you back to reality.

"So, bella. Have you made your decision?" he asked once you layed your eyes on his beautiful ones.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Alfred is my friend, and I'm not the type of person to betray my friends." you replied, giving him a cold stare.

"Oh, what a shame. I guess we'll just have to use force then." he quickly said while pulling something out of his pocket. Once you had relised that it was a knife, it was too late. He had it against your throat, cutting off your ability to breath. Before you blacked out, you heared a door open and someone rush into the room. You then felt someone pick you out and jump somewhere, but of course you didn't know, since you blacked out.

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