Chapter 5

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The room was a mess. Boys were throwing spit balls at each other, which, by the way, was disgusting, and the teacher was just sitting at her desk, as if this was a daily occurrence. [This is literally my English class in a sentence XD]

I took a seat at the back of the room, hoping that none of the boys had noticed me, and that they wouldn't start throwing spit balls my way. I rummaged through my pencil case and then looked up when I heared an all to familiar voice shout at the class,


The class went quiet, and they all stared at Ludwig as he entered the room. He looked around, as if he was looking for someone. When his eyes met mine, he smiled and took the seat next to me. 'Well there goes my chance of going unoticed' thought as you rolled your eyes disapprovingly.

"Thank you Ludwig," Miss Bembridge said as she stood from behind her desk. "class, please take your seats and open your text books to chapter 16 and read in silence until the end of class."

The class was dead silent as they opened their text books and began reading. You opened your text book and turned to chapter 16, and basically skimmed the whole chapter, since you had already read it at your former school. When you had finished skimming, you decided to suss out your newclass mates. In the first row, you could see two boys passing notes. You tried to get a closer look at one of the notes that they passed, but you were to far away. Sitting beside them was a guy with shoulder length blonde hair. He seemed to be taking a nap on his desk, but you thought otherwise. You let your eyes skim the next two rows of desks, but you only saw boys with their heads bent down in concentration.

You looked over at Ludwig, and nearly died of a heart attack at seeing his intense electric blue eyes ready staring at you. He quickly wrote something on a piece of paper and flicked it on your desk, indicating that you read it. So you opened it, and quietly laughed. You quickly scribbled an answer and flicked it back over to his desk.

The two of you continued like this for the rest of the lesson, him asking you questions about (Country) and you answering his questions, no matter how ridiculous they were. [As I was typing that sentence, I automatically thought about the question 'Do you ride Kangaroos to school?' since I'm Australian and all...] The bell rang, indicating that it was yet again, time for you to head to class. The two of you picked up your stuff and went your separate ways, promising that you'll see each other at lunch.

As you made your way to your next class, which was History [Oh my, what a coincidence!], the blonde boy that you had seen napping earlier bumped into you, causing all your belongings to slip from your fingers and land on the floor with a loud thump.

"Sorry," you mumbled as you bent down to pick them up. The blonde boy knelt down and started picking up your books and giving them to you.

"No, I'm the one who bumped into you. I should be sorry." the blonde said while smiling at you. He quickly handed your books back and introduced himself. "I'm Francis. You must be (Male Name). Gilbert has been talking non stop about you all morning."

"Well, it seems that Alfred's not the only one who's had their ear chewed off by Gilbert." you told him with a laugh.

"What class are you heading to now, (Male Name)?" Francis asked.

"History." you stated, hoping that Francis would be in your class, since you would have someone to talk to about food.

"I have History as well! Lets go!" he shouted and dragged you through the hall ways.


The next chapter is here. Hope you enjoyed it!! Remember to vote if you enjoyed it!

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