Chapter 7

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YAAAYYYY!!! I FINALLY UPDATED!!!! Sorry for the long wait. I was busy being lazy. Ok, anywho, lets get to the actual story itself. Oh, an if you read the last chapter Mr Millan, please don't give me a detention. I was stuck for names and yours is what cane up! - Author


The rest of the day wen smoothly. The rest of your teachers were fairly nice. They manged to bore you to death for the whole entire time, but at least the work was easy.

At this very moment you were walking to your dorms while talking to Alfred, since he almost ran over you when the bell rang.

"Hey, (Male Name)?" he suddenly asked, interrupting your rant on how unhealthy his diet of McDonalds was.

"Yeah, Alfred?" you answered warily, not knowing what he was going to ask.

"Can I come to your room? I have to give Ivan something."

"Sure, I don't mind."


Ivan layed on his bed with his arms hanging limp at his sides. How come he hadn't found out sooner! Now that he knew, It was completely obvious. When he had found '(Male Name)'s photo', he thought he was going insane. And when they had agreed to having a sister, that's when it clicked. (Male Name) was, infact, a girl. Not a guy, but a girl.

He had been avoiding her all day. Je didn't know why, but ever since he found out, he had been having this strange feeling whenever he was around her. So when she came walking through the door with Alfred in tow, his eyes practically bugged out of his head.

"IVAN, MAN! Where've you been all day, dude! The Hero's been looking for you everywhere, dude!" Alfred shouted as he suddenly glomped him.

She just stood there, staring at Alfred as if he just ate a salad. Then she walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

"So, what I came to tell you about is that we have a class assignment together in sience, and we have to study the actions of a female compared to a males. So I thought we could go down town and find a couple of chicks and, hey! Are you even listening Ivan!"

Ivan looked at him, eyes wide. He hadn't realized that he had zoned out. Jeez, this secret of (Male Name)'s was confusing the hell out of him.


You walked through past the many dorms, trying to find your way towards the library. On your way there though, you bumped into someone, causing you to fall backwards onto the ground.

"Watch were your going, you bloody git!" a british voice screamed at you as you slowly stood up, and dark aura beggining to surround you.

Once you were fully standing, you took in the sight that now suprised you. A boy with blond hair, and unbelievaby thick eyebrows was sitting in the ground throwing insults at you left, right and centre.

"I'm so sorry. I would helo you up, but after insulting me like that, I don't think I'll be able to." you said, causing the boy to stop insulting you and actually look at you.

"Fine then. I will help myself, then." he said. He got up and walked off. You just stared at him.

"What a prick." You quietly mumbled to yourself.

"You know, he's not always like that, aru."

You quickly turned around, and saw that the person who had spoken was a chinese guy.

"Pardon?" yoy asked, still confused as to who he was talking about.

"Arthur. The boy you just bumped into. He isn't always like that. Infact, he prides himself on being a gentleman, aru."

"Gentleman my ass. No gentleman I know would just wildly throw insults at the first person he sees."

"He's just on edge. The reason for his behaviour is that in a couple of days, it's Alfreds birthday. And him and Alfred have had a very rocky relationship, so he decided to become the person he is being now everytime Alfreds birthday is near. It's a sad story, aru."

You looked at him in shock. Wow that was really deep.

"I'm Yao by the way." he suddenly said as he put his hand out.

"(Male Name)." You took his hand and shook it.

The rest of the afternoon you spent with Yao talking about random things as well as his obsession with cute things.


Ok. This was a really crappy chappie. OHHH THAT RHYMED!!! But hey, I jave writters block!! An this was all I could think of. Sorry it was so short! Anyway, you know the drill. Vote if you like!

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