Chapter 14

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Welcome back my fabulously fabulous readers! I have finally thought up an idea of why your being used as bait. But just to warn you, you are not being used as bait for Ivan, or any of the 1p!s. Infact, you aren't really bait at all... I may have made Luciano just say that for fun. Sorry for lying!!! ごめなさい!!! Anyway, this chapter could be classified as a filler, but I think not, because it is very important for all you fabulously fabulous readers to know what happens in this chapter. So, let the Flasback begin...


154 days before kidnapping.

Flavio sat in front of the television ooing and ahhing over some fashion show. Luciano kept on twirling one of his knives and occasionally stabbing it into the small table beside him. Lutz was sprawled on the couch, half asleep, while Kuko was no where to be seen.

"Where is that damn bastard Kuko!" Luciano suddenly said as he flung his knife at the wall oppisite him.

"Don't worry, fratallo. He's probably stalking some girl that he wants in one of his videos." Flavio chirped, not even flinching at his brothers random outburst.

"I don't care. He was supposed to be here an HOUR ago! How would you feel if you had to wait for a Japanese man that just doesn't give a shit about what you want?" Luciano shouted and threw another knife at the wall, just missing Kuko as he opened the door and walked in.

"Where have you been?" Luciano quickly retorted, giving the Japanese man a challenging glare.

"I was simply following a girl. She looked like she had potential." Kuko replied curtly, not even blinking at the enraged Italian.

"Told you." a very uninterested Flavio stated as he turned off the television and walked out of the room.

"Well, you were supposed to be here an hour ago!" Luciano yelled, managing to wake a very dazed German.

"Here, take a look at these photos I found. Then you can tell me if you wasted your breath yelling at me instead of that idiotic brother of yours." Koku said while handing a pair of photos to Luciano and walking back out the door he had came in, not bothering to shut it.

Luciano looked at the photos. Both of them were of a (Hair Length), (Hair Colour) girl who looked to be about 15 years old. She had (Eye Colour) eyes, and a beautiful smile to accompany it.

Lutz walked up behind the intrigued Italian and took note of the fact that these photo's had been taken only yesterday.

"Lutz, call off tomorrows scheduled meeting. I have a very important matter to attend to." Luciano simply stated as he placed the photos in his pocket, grabbed his knives out if the wall, and camly walked out of the room. Lutz simply nodded and left, heading towards his place where he would then make the calls.


96 days before kidnapping.

Luciano stood outside (Name)'s bedroom window, silently watching you sleep. Lutz and Koku stood behind him, quietly conversing. Luciano then turned gis head at the two and nodded, signalling that it was now time to leave. He couldn't wait till the time was right.


14 days before kiddnapping.

(Name) walked out of her house with a while lot of bags. 'Where in the world is she going?' Luciano thought as he watched from a black sudan down the street. He watched her father pack her things in the boot as she and her mother got in the car. Soon after, her father got into the drivers seat and rode off. Luciano's eyes were furious. How dare they take away his precious (Name)!


6 days before kidnapping.

Luciano sat on his bed as he threw anything he could find at the wall. He had already thrown his prized million dollar lamp at Koku when he came in earlier that day. To be honest, he threw a lot more than just that lamp, but he had to get his anger out somehow.

He hadn't seen or even heard anything about the where-abouts of his beloved (Name) for eight days now. And he was pissed. He picked up his phone, and he was about to throw it when all of a sudden it rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was that anoying brit Oliver. He answered it anyway, wondering if Oliver had anything interesting to say that didn't involve tea or cupcakes.

"Hello?" He growled, and heard Oliver sigh on the other side. "What do you want, Oliver?"

"Well, I wanted to know if you could help us with a little havock." Oliver said in his sickly sweat (and slightly insane) voice. Upon hearing this, Luciano's eyes lit up a little.

"What kind of havock?"

"Just the ruining of a certain 1p!s party. Allen's 1p, actually. And we need your help, since none of use here can make a plan without attenpting to kill eachother." In the background, Luciano could hear Al and Matt arguing over something, and then the aound of something smashing and then a lot of cursing straight afterwards. He smiled, thinking how this could go for him.

"Alright. I'll be there soon." He answered and hung up imeadiatly, not even waiting for a response from the crazed brit.


Day of kidnapping.

Luciano paced the hallway of the dorms as he waited for Al and Oliver to tell him where everyone was. He continued pacing for a while longer until he heard footsteps aproaching. He hid behind a pot plant, and waited for the person to walk past. Once they had walked passed, he continued pacing, his mind wandering to thoughts of (Name).

But soon after, his thoughts were interupted by his phone. He quickly checked it and saw that Al had sent him a photo of a girl that looked exactly like (Name) he then read the caption below, which said "Why is there a chick here!? Isn't this place an all boys school?". And then it hit him. He had finally found his beloved (Name)! So he started making his way to the first door he saw and opened it, and began to look around.

The room was painted a bright yellow, and there was sunflowers in every corner of the room. He guessed that this was Nikolia's 1p!'s room, if he remembered correctly. He walked up to the closest desk and started rumaging through all the items. He was about to move onto the next desk when he saw a photo frame that looked awfully familiar. He picked it up and grinned.

It was (Name)'s favourite photo, and by finding this, his grin grew even wider upon the thought of this being her room. So he sat on her bed and waited.


Sorry it took me ages to publish this, It's just that this was a really long chapter, and I didn't want to split it in two, so here it is. Probably the longest chapter I've publish. So, recap, you were kidnapped by Luciano, who was your unknown stalker for just under a year, and this is basically the days leading up to your kidnapping from his point of view. I kinda think that this chapter was sucky, but you know, if you enjoyed it, vote an comment. And even follow if you want. And for those of you who may have read my OHSHC x Reader, I was wondering if I should continue it or not, because it hasn't really been taking my interests and all. Until Next Time, Author.

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