Chapter 11

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ALFREDS' PARTY IS FINALLY HERE!!!!! WHOOOO!! The party will be split into 2 chapters though, since I'm way too lazy to put all the action into one chapter. And there will also be a bombardment of 'new' characters. But their identities will be revealed in the next chappie. So, ONWARDS, MY FELLOW HETALIANS!!


The next few days were rather pleseant. Nothing much happened that tended to suprise you, and no one but Ivan new that you were actually a girl. He had stopped avoiding you, but every time he talked to you, he seemed to fiddle with the end of his scarf nervously. You just dismissed it, since it wasn't your buisness, and you didn't want to pry.

Gilbert, Francis and Antonio had started to eat lunch with you, Feli, Ludwig and Kiku. And lets just say that lunch didn't have anymore awkward silences. Ivan had also sat with you once, but no one bothered to talk to him except for you and Francis, and even that was only the occasional question.

But today was Friday, and today also happened to be the very day that Alfred was throwing his party. You really wanted to wear something showy, but that was out of the question. Alfred had somehow convinced the pricipal to cancel all classes for the day and allow him to dec most of the school in fancy decorations. Which, you thought was completely unnessecery.

You slowely walked down one of the hallways trying to find anyone to talk to, since Alfred had taken Ivan somewhere, and you weren't invited.

You were about to pass your English classroom when you heard voices behind you. You quickly stopped and turned, but were greeted with an empty hallway. You quickly dismissed it and kept walking.

••••••••••••••••••••••Pov Unknown•••••••••••••••••

What the hell is a girl doing here! I thought it was an all boys school, not a public one. I looked at the person beside me, hoping that they would be able to tell me. He just smirked and shrugged. I began to shake him, wanting to know what he knew. I began to shout at him without knowing it, and almost blew our cover. The girl had turned around, but before she could get a glimpse of us, we had quickly ran off into another section of the school.


Hi. I'm back. And if you actually read these things, thankyou. Cuz this is were I can have a little rant without people looking at me funny. So anyway, I have updated yet again, and the chapter was supossed to be way longer, but I thought that since I had a good connection to some wifi, I would update. This chapter is mainly forshadowing the events of the next two chapters, so, you could technically call it a filler chapter. And the next update wont be until another week, since I am so busy getting ready for school. (Which starts next week. Yay... note the sarcasm used.) And also I now have a part time job, which means that I wont have much time to update because I'd either be at school, at work, or doing 'homework'. (More like being lazy, but oh well.) So I'll try and update as much as I can. AND 800+ VIEWS!!!!!!!! *Does victory dance for 10 minutes straight* Until Next Time - Author.

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