Chapter 3

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Ivan opened the door and threw me inside, then walked in and slammed the door shut.

"Why didn't you stay with me?" he demanded, his dark aura starting to surround him like before.

I was determined not to cower in fear, like I had done the last time. So onstead, I sat on my bed and looked him in the eyes, even though it hurt my neck a little bit while doing so. "I couldn' find you. I had stopped to look at all the food, and when I went to make a comment about the amount of people in the room, I realised that you weren't there anymore. I tried looking for you, but my fear of crowds got the best of me, and then Ludwig found me and introduced me to his friends, Kiku and Feliciano, and his older brother Gilbert. And then you came along and dragged me away."

He then looked down at me, dumbfounded. His dark aura faded out, and a sad look appeared on his face.

"You scared me (Male Name). I don't have many friends, and I didn't want you to abandon me like everyone else did after they met me. When I saw you with Ludwig and his friends, I thought you had gotten scared and left me. I got jealous and took matters into my own hands. I'm sorry of I made you angry, (Male Name). I'm sorry."

I looked at him with a look of understanding. I knew what it felt like to feel lonely. If it weren't for my friends back in (Country), you probably would have been the only person at school that wouldn't have any friends. I used to believe that they had only befriended mevbecause they felt sorry. But I then began to understand that I may have been completely different to them, but they still loved me for who I was, not because they pitied me.

I quickly jumped off your bed and gave him a hug. He went ridgid, not knowing what to do, but a couple of seconds later, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. Looking up, I saw him smile. Not a sad smile, but one of his genuine childish smiles. We both let go, suddenly realising how awkward this situation was.

"We'll, I'm going to have a shower. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me." he said, walking to the door opposite the beds.

I quickly nod, indicating that I had heard him. When he had left the room, I opened my bag once again and began to finish unpacking. I rummaged through it, looking for mylaptop so that I could place it on the desk, when a photo frame fell out and landed on the bed. I picked it up and looked at it.

I smiled. It was a picture of my friends, Riley and Maya, and I. The photo was one of my favourites. It had been taken when they had took me out for a suprise lunch for my fifteenth birthday. We were all seated at a table outside (favourite cafe). Riley had her blonde hair braided into two plaits, while Maya had her black hair pulled into a messy bun. I had mine out, since I had just planned on staying home and having a quite day. We were all wearing matching T-shirts. My half eaten piece of cake was being attacked by Riley, who obviously didn't know that Maya was taking the photo. When she had found out that Maya had taken a photo of her eating, she almost died.

I reluctantly put the photo back into my bag, not wanting Ivan to see it. If he did, then I would have a lot of explaining to do. I continued unpacking, and about fifteen minutes later, I was fianlly finished. I tried shoving the bag at the top of the wardrobe, but I couldn't reach. So instead, I pushes it under the bed. As I laid on said bed while staring at the ceiling, Ivan walked out of the bathroom, only wearing track pants.

"(Male Name), bathrooms free if you want to use it." he said as he walked over to his bed.

"Thanks. I'll use it." I happily replied, relieved at the chance to actually have a shower, considering the day that I just had.

I picked out my pajamas and entered the bathroom, and then made sure that it was locked.

-----------------------Time Skip Because It Would Be Awkward Describing Someone Take A Shower-----------------------------

Once I was dressed, I walked out of the bathroom, and found Ivan staring at something in his hands. I quietly closed the door behind me, and he looked up with a confused look on his face.

"(Male Name), is this your sister? Because she looks just like you." he said while pointing to the photo in his hand.

My eyes widened in compleye shock. He had found the photo. But how? It had been in my bag, hadn't it?

"Where did you find it?" I asked him, wanting to know just how he got it.

"It was on the floor near your wardrobe. You know, all the girls in this photo are really pretty. You must be very lucky to have a sister that looks just like you. If you grew your hair longer, you would look exactly the same, and no one would be able to tell the difference!" he said as he passed me the photo.

"Thanks, Ivan. Well, I'm going to sleep now, so, night."

"Alright, (Male Name). Night."

I crawled into bed and turned the light off, and fell asleep pretty quickly, since my heart was pounding from the thought that Ivan had discovered my secret.


Wow. I'm on a role. Two chapters in one day. Now that is what I call progress, people! Don't forget to vote if you liked it!!

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