Chapter 15

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I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! I HAVE JUST BEEN SO BUSY WITH MY MID-YEAR EXAMS/ASSIGNMENTS, AND COMPLETLY LOST TRACK OF TIME! But, here is another chapter. And wow. My last update was 4.44K, now this story has gotten to 11.66K! Oh My FrUking God. Thank you all so much for reading this. It means so much to me to see that people actually like this idea and want me to continue with it
XD. And one last thing, I uave decided to make a slight change to how this is written, so I will be going back to the very beginning and editing this story thorouly. So don't be alarmed about any changes in this chapter. Now, onto the actual chapter.


I sat in an elaboratly decorated room waiting for Luciano to arrive. The "Axis" had gone hunting. Or so they said. But I had a very different idea as to what they were hunting. The whole time that they had been out, grusome thoughts had driffted through my head, and they didn't plan on leaving any time soon. As I tried to get the image of a slaughtered human out of my thoughts, Luciano walked in.

"Bella, thankyou for waiting~" he sweetly said as he waltzed towards me, his clothes still splatted with blood.

"It's not like I had a choice." I quietly mumbled.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." He suddenly threatened.

"Nothing." I quickly replied, not wanting my blood to stain his already blood stained clothes.

"That's what I thought, bella~. Now, get changed. We are going to a dinner party tonight with the others and I want you to look like the angel I know you are." he commanded as he left.

Once he had left the room, I began woundering who the "others" were. The only people you had been allowed to see were Lutz, Kuro, Lovino and Frediric. Would they be like them? Or worse? You shoke your head. No need to worry myself over useless stuff like that. I then proceded to leave the room and make myself presentable for tonight.

----------------------- Ivan's Pov -----------------

Ludwig, Kiku and Feliciano just stared at me in shock. I had just told them that (male name) was really a girl called (name), and that she had been disguised the whole time. It was obvious that they disn't believe me. And as proof of this, Ludwig began reasoning with me.

"(Male name) is not a girl. What are you playing at here Ivan? This is no joke. (male name) has been kidnapped and we need to get him back!"

"Why don't you believe me?" I asked quietly, holding my head in my hands.

"Firstly, we have no proof. And secondly, who in their right mind would dress as the opposite gender for no reason?"

"If you want proof, then come with me." I said as I picked up the frame with (name)'s favourite photo in it and headed towards the library.

-------------------- Alfred's Pov -----------------

I had gathered Arthur, Francis, Yao and Mathias and told them about (name)'s kidnapping.

"Wait a second Alfred," Arthur interupted me bluntly. "But who is this (name) you speak of?" he asked questioningly. The others all noded in agreement.

'Man, I am such an idiot!" I thought to myself. 'How could the hero forget to explain EVERYTHING!'

"Well, you see dudes, (name) is (nale name)'s real name." And from there, I started to explain about (name)'s sex changing ability.


Ok guys, I apologise for the short chapter. I have just been preocupied with watching KnB. But anyway, here it is. And you know what to do. Vote, Comment, and follow!

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