Chapter 2

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(Name) stood outside the gates of Hetalia Academy, one of the most famous schools in the world, and it clearly was the biggest. It's huge buildings loomed over her, making her feel very insecure. She looked back at her parents, only to be greeted by encouragin smiles and a few thumbs ups. (Name) turned around and took her first steps into Hetalia Academy.


I entered what looked like to be an office, and was greeted by a somewhat pretty looking lady.

"You must be (Full Male Name). Welcome to Hetalia Academy." she recited in a cheery voice.

"Thanks," I replied, giving her one of my famouse skeptical looks.

"Here is your schedule (Male Name) and the key to your room. Your room is number 05, amd you will be sharing with one other student. And so that you don't get lost finding it, it is the third to your left on the third floor. Have a nice day!"

'Jeez. She sure likes to talk alot,' I thought as I followed her directions. I eventually did find my new room, but it took me at least an hour just to find a staircase.

I then knocked on the door, gasping for breath. My carry bag was god damn heavy! I heard someone move towards the door, and it slightly opened, revealing a pair of light violet eyes that were probably about six inches above me. (Yes, you are quite a short person. If you want to be tall, deal with it.)

"Hi, I'm (Full Male Name). I'm supposed to be your new roommate." I timidly whispered. Jeez, those eyes looked menacing!

He opened the door, revealing his full figure. I tried not to blush, since he didn't have a shirt on and his well ripped torso was right at my eye level.

"Da, come in It's nice to meet you. My name is Ivan Braginsky. I hope we become great friends." he said while smiling.

'Wow,' I thought. 'He sure has a childish voice an smile for such a menacing looking guy.' I quickly followed him into the room, and heard the door shut behind me.

The room was actually quite spacious, defiantely much bigger than I had thought it would be. The walls were painted yellow, and there were vases with sunflowers in them on the window sill. Two single beds were in the room, and two bedside tables were in between them. On those bedside tables were two lamps, and another vase with sunflowers in it. Opposite the beds was a door, which probably led to the bathroom. There was also a desk either side of the door, as well as two wardrobes.

By the looks of things, Ivan had claimed the far side of the room, including the window. So I dumped my bag onto the untouched bed in front of me and started unpacking.

"Where are you from (Male Name)?" Ivan asked as he watched me pull out my favourite pair of converses and placing them beside the wardrobe.

"I'm from (Country)." I simply replied, wondering why he was asking me this.

"I'm from Russia. It's very cold there, unlike (Country)." He continued, which gained my full attention.

"Wow. Russia. This must be quite a change for you then, huh? I've always wanted to go to Russia. It seems so beautiful." I quietly said to myself, not noticing the look of excitement on the Russian's face.

"Next time I go to Russia, I will take you. It will be fun!" he said with his childish smile.

"Really! You don't have to invite me if you don't want too..." I shyly said.

"But I want to. And you will come to Russia with me." he said, but he no longer smiled, instead a dark aura surrounded him, causing me to shiver in fear.

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