Chapter 9

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You entered your room and saw Ivan in the same postion that he was in about 2 hours ago. You cocked your eyebrows and walked over to him. Whatever was bothering him must be serious.

"Hey, Ivan. I'm back." you lightly greeted as you sat down on your bed facing him.

"Hey, (Male Name)." he replied without moving.

Ok, you thought. Something must be troubling him. Usually he would be wanting to talk to you as soon as you walked through the door.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. Ivan, something's bothering you. Tell me what it so I can help you deal with it. The way your acting has gotten me really concerned. So spit it out." You commanded, waiting for him to respond. You heard him sigh, and then say something that you would never have wanted him to say. Ever.

"I know your secret, (Male Name)."

"What secret?" you quickly denied. How the hell did he find out.

"The one that you have been keeping from everyone since you first set foot into this school."

"What? I haven't been keeping a secret. What are you talking about, Ivan? Are you sure you're all right?" you laughed nervously while rubbing the back of your neck.

"Just stop lieing, (Male Name). I bet that that isn't even your real name."

"Alright, alright. You caught me out. Now tell me what my Oh So Big secret is, then."

"Your a girl, aren't you?"


Alfred stopped by Ivan and (Male Name)'s room. He raised his hand, about to knock when he heard Ivan and (Male Name) talking.

"Just stop lieing, (Male Name). I bet that that isn't even your real name."

Alfred's eyes widened in shock. Had someone kidnapped (Male Name) and replaced him! Or even worse! He got abducted by aliens and they replaced him with one of their own so that they could take over Earth!

"Alright, alright. You caught me out. Now tell me what my Oh So Big secret is, then." (Male Name) retorted. Alfred leaned closer to the door, wanting to hear what Ivan knew.

"Your a girl, aren't you?"

Alfred then had to cover his mouth and bite the insides of his cheeks to stop himself from laughing. (Male Name) couldn't be a chick. He was a guy for crying out loud!

"How did you find out?" (Male Name) suddenly said, just loud enough for Alfred to hear. Wait. What! (Male Name) seriously IS a GIRL! Since when!

"When I found your photo. The girl in the middle looked exactly like you. When you said that you had a sister, I wanted to know her name. So I went down to the library and looked at your student file before you woke up this morning. It said that you were an only child. And the girl in the photo couldn't be any other family member, cuz she looked exactly like you."

"So you did some research on me then, huh. Well, yeah. I am a girl. And my real name is (Name). You can't tell anyone else though. If you do, it might spred, and then I'd have to leave here for good."

"Just one question, though." Ivan quickly interrupted. "Why did you apply to come here in the first place? It's an all boys school."

"My parents decided that it would be a new and exciting experience for. Honestly, I don't even know what runs through their heads most of the time." (Male Name)/(Name) replied. Jeez, Alfred thought. This whole (Male Name) being a girl thing was confusing.

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