Chapter 20 Wondering: Can't She Speak?

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Hannah's POV

It was water break, it's like going to the bathroom or drink in a drinking fountain.


"Ace! Come on...I brought you back some souvenirs, and the belt is the same as mine! (While she was following Ace walking)" it was Judy.

"We just came back from our trip yesterday, and now she's bothering Ace again...ughh...." Gizelle said.

"Why does the trip has to end so early? It was so much fun!" Jasmine said.

Then I went out of our room.

Ace's POV

"Is she gone? (While I was panting)" I asked.

"Yeah, she's gone! (While he was panting) Why don't you just go out with her?" Romeo asked.

"Are you insane!??!" I asked.

"Do you hate Judy?" Romeo asked.

"Buzz Off" I said.

"A guy like you, going out with a girl like her, maybe she is like the most happy in the whole world."Romeo said.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.  

"I'm trying to say is, going with Judy is a great idea (while he put his arms in my right shoulders) Think about it, when you go out with her.." Romeo said.
"Hmm...." I said.

"First of all, you'd go to the movies, until the end...not talking at all, and then you both just say goodbye to each other." Romeo said.
Then I started to go downstairs, and said.

"Tssk...I don't need a gir-( I was at the bottom right now)"

"Ah! It's FLOWER HANNAH! *faked coughed* I mean, Hannah!(He said while he was surprised and blushing)" Romeo said.

Hannah's POV

"Tssk....I don't need a gir-" Ace said.

"Ah! It's FLOWER HANNAH! *faked coughed* I mean, Hannah!(He said while he was blushing)" Romeo said. "What are you doing here? (While he asked cheerfully) Oh yeah, I forgot you don't talk much.."

Then I look at Ace, and he also do the same thing..but then he averted his eyes immediately.

Then Ace, put his arms on Romeo's neck, and said.

"Let's go, we're going to be late!"

"Thaatt..hurtss...whatt..arree..yoouu...doinngg..(while Ace is dragging him away)" Romeo said.

Ace's POV

"D*mn., FLOWER HANNAH is beautiful as ever! (While he was blushing) If only I could go on a date with her, even though she doesn't talk, it will be okay for me!" Romeo said.


"It will be okay for me, even though she doesn't talk or even smile! It will be a great date for me with her!" Romeo said.

"Does...Hannah really doesn't talk to boys?" I asked.

"Huh? (While he was looking at me, surprised of what I said) Why are you asking that question, suddenly?" Romeo asked.


"Maybe, Jazzy told you  something.....(while he was walking first)" Romeo said.

Then I look at my left, and saw...Hannah standing in her desk.

Is Hannah...really not that much....of a talker?

I didn't notice that we are already in front of our room, as we go inside our room.

"Ugh......(while he was in a almost angry face" Romeo said.

Then one of our classmates said to Romeo.

"Ehh, Romeo? What happened? It's so early in the morning.."

"Really popular....." Romeo said.

"Huh? What are you trying to say?"

Then I sat down on my desk. And Romeo asked.

"What I was trying to say is that, what kind of guys do girls like?"

"Ahhmm....well of course gentlman and kind guys..."

"I think guys who are a bit cold, is better.."

"Really?" Romeo asked.

"In the end, he treats me nice very well...^_^"


"...and the special effect is very important.."

Special effect?

Then somthing came up in my mind.... ⊙△⊙

Hannah....*tick tock* *tick tock*

Every second, every minute...Hannah is always there...*tick tock* *tick tock*


"Good Luck!..." Hannah said.

__________End Of Flashback____________

"Ah..the bell rang..." Romeo said.

Does Hannah really doesn't talk much???

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