Chapter 57 The Meeting Plan

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Hannah's POV

"Ace really eats fast, huh? It seems like he was rushing practice" Gizelle said.

"He'll surely come tomorrow right?" Jasmine said.

Ace will never come to the Rooftop Terrace?

He looked at my direction, right?

Being able to have an eye contact with Ace, it made me so happy ^_^

*Knock Knock*

Then the door opened, and it was Romeo.

"Oh, Romeo?" Jasmine said.

"" Romeo said.

"What?" Gizelle asked.

"What happened Romeo?" Jasmine asked.

"Is it okay if we could meet somewhere after school?" Romeo asked.

"Why?" Jasmine said.

 "Our practice ends at 6 and since it ends early, you guys could wait" Romeo said. "Then, i'll go now" and left already.

"We have to wait until 6 but what will we do while waiting?" Gizelle asked.

"Well..I have work today" Jasmine said. "Oh! Why not wait at the cafe where I work at?" Then she looked at me "Isn't that great Hannah?" She asked.

Then I just nodded at her.

"There are lots of magazines there you guys could read to kill time" Jasmine said.

"Then..Jaz? I'll have waffles okay?" Gizelle said.

"Yeah sure, then i'll just text Romeo where to meet" Jasmine said.

To: Romeo Bracca

Romeo, we're going to meet at the Cafe where I work at..See ya! ^_^

"This what should happen today 'Romeo will tell Ace that they need to go to a Cafe, then Hannah and Ace will see each other and then they will greet at each other and of course have some coffee, then Ace will tell Hannah that he will eat at the Rooftop Terrace again' " Jasmine said.

"Do you think that this will go smoothly?" Gizelle asked.

"I guess so" Jasmine said. "Well then, Good Luck Hannah!" She added.

Then I nodded at her.


Romeo's POV

"Huh? I'm not going" Ace said. What?? Why?? "I don't even like sweet things" What the heck?! Did he just red my mind??

"But look, the coffee there is so good!" I said.

Hannah's POV

"Ace and Romeo should be here already, it's already 6" Jasmine said.

Then suddenly..we heard some strange noises, so I stood up and check what is it. I opened the door and saw Romeo lying on the floor.

"Oh! What are you guys doing here?"Romeo asked.

Then I looked back and saw that Gizelle and Jasmine followed me.

"What happened Romeo?? Are you okay??" Jasmine asked.

"Yes i'm fine, I just need to rest for a while" Romeo said.

"You can rest here at the Cafe" Jasmine said.

"If that's okay with Ace" Romeo said.

Then we all looked at Ace, and he looked down..and just nodded.

Then we all went inside the Cafe, and drank coffee. Gosh, no one's talking..I don't want this awkward atmosphere.

"It's already dark outside, huh?" Gizelle said. and she looked at me " Let's go Hannah we should head out now" What?? Already?? "Jaz, we're going already" She added.

"But it's still early" Jasmine said.

"Well..I don't want to stay here any longer" Gizelle said.

"I'm going" Ace said.

"What?? You too??" Romeo asked.

"Let's go Hannah!" Gizelle said.

Then Ace pass by me, but before he could..

"If Ace is going, then i'll go too" I said, and looked down.

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