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There was an overwhelming sense of calmness that came over Ruth after she'd acknowledged she loved Vincent.

Somehow she wasn't afraid, she noticed, and knew it had everything to do with the fact that a part of her knew she loved him all along. Learning to love Vincent wasn't learning at all in fact, she found it was remembering. So instead of freaking out, she'd be twiddling her thumbs as she waited for Sumaiya, and she'd remember she had him, and she'd feel a sense of peace, a sense of love, or of warmth.

That was exactly why she was sure she was doing the right thing by cutting him off.

At least that was what she told herself.

Because she loved him.

And love was supposed to be happy and fun.

Letting someone into your life knowing there was a chance they'd be hurt wasn't fun.

Hearing someone constantly rove on and on about how broken and grief-filled they were wasn't happy.

Following your girlfriend to her sister's grave and watching her cry every year? That wasn't happy, nor fun either.

Ruth turned her head sideways at herself in the mirror, the same way she had the first time she went to a party with him. So much had changed since then.

She loved him.

He loved her.

Either that or he coincidentally scratched his nose and she was just imagining things.


Ruth placed a hand on her heart, suddenly feeling it beat faster as she paced her room.

She touched her cheeks which were suddenly hot.

She hadn't felt this giddy and tingly in so long.

And she was nervous, more than she could actually verbalize, and the fact that she hadn't looked at Vincent dead on in two weeks wasn't helping her case. Sumaiya was on a trip with her family to Dubai, and she'd feel bad to ask her for advice when she was meant to be having fun.

She sent her friend a simple text.

2:09am me

hey maiya

do u think serial killers get scared of other serial killers

like if another serial killer approached them would they b like oh i know how this works n break free or like... do they jus like get scared like a normal person would

2:10am maiya ☀️


2:13am me

so is that a no

4:56pm me

hows ur break? is dubai fun?

also i'm like really love with vincent

have u tried donair there yet? Is it better?

4:59pm maiya ☀️

girl it's so good i wish u were here😭

5:03pm maiya ☀️



The Ineffable Ruth RhodesWhere stories live. Discover now