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can't believe i'm sitting here right now scrolling through twitter and get to say i finished writing a book.



that's crazy. really wild. really really wild. 

i want to thank everyone who helped me get here, and the many many playlists i made to help me get through this. if you read until here, i think you deserve a little party too. 

75k words... phew. 

the more words there are, the more i feel there are chances for the book to be imperfect. i think that, simply put, is what this book is. it's far from incredible; it's sloppy and messy and my first time finishing a novel-length piece. there are parts where i read them and i want to rip my hair out because it either sounds so awful to me that i cringe, or i said something in a weird way and it comes across all wrong.

putting my work out there is far from easy (i mean, i have not let anyone close to me read this because i am extremely shy, bless me), especially when i know myself that it is no masterpiece. 

but honestly, frankly, i still love it with all my heart. i love it and all it's imperfections, and i love the parts that make me cringe so because it reminds me of how far i've come as a writer.

thank you for finishing or even deciding to crack open my small, ineffably imperfect lil piece of writing. that alone means an inexplicable quantity to me.

there isn't much else to say but thank you.

if you have any questions or anything i'd love to do a q&a. also working on a couple bonus scenes because i'm really quite attached to them. anyways. thank you for everything again :~)


The Ineffable Ruth RhodesWhere stories live. Discover now