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Third POV


"oh shit..." Kokichi mumbled.

Hajime was tapping his foot "i-is something wrong..?" Kokichi asked shaking a bit, he wished Shuichi would come back and sweep him off his feet. "Calm down Kichi nobody's ma-" Kaede went to touch his shoulder and he flinched shoving her away "Dont touch me!" he yelled and backed up against the door.

"Kimchi please..We're sorry for stressing you out..please just come sit with me..." Nagito said as he went to Kokichi "nonono! leave me be!" Kokichi yelled trying to open the door, when Nagito tried to grab his arm he pushed him back and fell off his crutches Hinata grabbed Kokichi off the floor no matter how much he struggled.

"Kokichi please, you're making this more difficult than it has to be please calm down!" Nagito called, tears forming in his eyes. Kokichi noticed at felt a tiny bit if remorse, he calmed down a bit and Hajime set him on the couch with his favorite blanket; it wasnt anymore, he actually couldn't care less.

Nagito went and sat next to Kokichi, who stared off not listening to Hajime. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Keade yelled and everyone freaked.

Kokichi was confused until he looked at saw his hoodie sleeve soaked with blood, and some seeping out from under the sleeve. It mustve been when he hit the door and when Hajime had held him to try and calm him.

Hajime tried taking off the hoodie when Kokichi spaced, he started panicking, he didnt want Shuichi to get in trouble with this. Kokichi tried to get them to stop but Hajime called for Rantaro to hold him down.

Rantaro held onto Kokichi, this felt terrible holding down his bestfriend who basically went insane. Hajime got the hoodie off and everyoned eyes widend as they looked at Kokichis half scabbed arm with Shuichi's full name.

"Rantaro, call Kiyoko. now." Hajime said handing his phone to the young male, who immediately called the detective and told her about everything that happed in that moment.


Police cars drove to the Hinata residence and Shuichi who wasnt to far away noticed and began getting stressed and pissed "did that fucker rat me out..." He growled gripping his steering wheel as his knuckles became pale.

Shuichi felt his phone ring in his pocket, it was from Kokichi. He stared at the picture he set for his boyfriend, he smiled looking at it; he shook it off and growled hanging up and quickly stomped on the gas and turned the opposite direction of the building.

"Im going to fucking kill that brat.." He snapped as he drove faster before he made it onto a small pathway that people dont go down because the children have labeled it 'Murder Forest' because there have been many murders, hence the name. Shuichi may or may not have been apart of a couple of the crimes.

He slammed on the breaks and jumped out of his car, he continued to get phone calls from his uncle and Kokichi. Shuichi began getting red "HOLY FUCK SHUT UP!" He yelled throwing his phone into the lake "Shit!" he ran over and grabbed it out of the water, it worked but not so well.


Kokichi was panicked, detectives Kirigiri, Neagi, Shuichi's uncle along with Hajime. He tugged at his hair "SHUT UP!" he yelled as tears began spilling from his eyes, Kokichi's heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. "I cant take this anymore I just want to fucking see Shumai I miss him, Im worried about him, I just want him to hold me close and let him do whatever he likes..." Kokichi mumbled, he glanced at his arm wrapped in bandages, blood soaking them.

632 words

hey yall sorry I havent updated in a while I lost motivation and didnt know what to write so ye, anygays I hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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