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Third POV

~a few weeks later~

Kokichi had caught a cold and of course Hajime and Nagito were freaking out as he was weak enough from the game. Kaede knocked on the door to their house after getting a few calls from the worried couple. Nagito ran to the door and opened it letting the pianist inside "oh we really appreciate you coming over on such a short notice..we both need to work but we are so worried about him and-" "I understand Mr. Hinata! It is school break so I'll come every morning when you are heading to work and leave when you come back!" Kaede smiled at set her bag down on a chair "now you two go to work! Me and Kokichi will be alright and I will call one of you guys if something bad goes on!" Kaede said and bowed a bit. "Thank you so much Kaede, you are so helpful..see you tonight. Haji! Let's go!" Nagito yelled and Hajime walked downstairs and left with Nagito.

Kaede hummed and walked upstairs, she opened the door and walked in and saw Kokichi playing games wrapped in a blanket while sitting on one of his chairs; he looked over at Kaede and waves slightly. "So are you really that sick or are you parents over reacting?" "Oh yeah, I mean it's just the normal cold but yknow them." Kokichi chuckled.

"Haha! But aren't you grounded..?" Kaede laughed "oh yeah, but from like ever leaving the house!" The two laughed.

~Time skip~

"Kokichi you might actually be sick-" Kaede said and put her hand on his forehead "what do you mean?" "You're burning up!" Kaede said and grabbed a wet towel and put it on Kokichi's forehead. "I thought it was just the sniffles, but whatevs!" Kokichi laughed.

Kaede smiled and looked at the time "oh! I'm going to go make some lunch! I'll be back in like twenty minutes, so call me up if you need anything." She smiled and waved walking downstairs.

Kokichi continued playing games until he heard the window open and smiled "hey Rantaro! Wha-" the person covered his face with a rag "wrong~" Shuichi hummed and took Kokichi with him, Kokichi squirmed and tried to yell for Kaede.


Kaede POV

I heard muffled yelling from Kokichi's room, I ran upstairs and looked into the room and saw the window opened and Kokichi missing. "KOKICHI WERE ARE YOU!?" I yelled panicked, I ran to the window and looked out it "how could someone get up here..?"

Soon realization hit me harder than a brick "WHAT THE HELL AM IM GOING TO TELL HAJIME AND NAGITO!?" I started panicking, I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone dialing their work number.

"Hello, this is Nagito from-"



He then hung up and I started panicking more and called Rantaro telling him what happened, since he had a crush on Kokichi; he was crying over the phone and I told him to come over so I could try and comfort him.

Nagito, Hajime, and Rantaro eventually got to the house. Rantaro was hugging one of Kokichi's scarfs slightly crying and Nagito was balling and Hajime was crying as well. "D-detective kyoko is on h-her way with Naegi.."

Shuichi POV

I finally have him all to myself!!! I'm so excited hes so small and fragile..I could break him like a twig..watch despair flood his eyes and tone...calm down Shuichi! You still have to take care of him.

Kokichi POV

"HELP ME! WHY WONT ANYONE COME AND HELP ME!?" I cried, Shuichi had put cuffs on my wrists that had been connected to a chain and too the wall. Shuichi kneeled in front of my and smiled his bright yellow eyes pearcing the darkness of the room, they looked like a cats' in an alleyway.

"Goodnight love~" was all I heard before my vision blurred and everything went black.

675 words

Abyways hope y'all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, and have a nice life💕

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