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Third POV

Kaito was sitting in class as he sighed seeing the empty desk in front of him, like most people who knew him personally (and crushed him *cough* ow that hurts-)

The class wasn't going on as the teachers knew they needed to give the kinds a few minutes before starting class, they missed Kokichi as well; his homeroom teacher, Sonia Nevermind, knows his parents well as they were in the killing game together.

"Good afternoon class..I know we all are very sad at the um.. incident. We are not going to be doing any work today for class, this is study hall today, you may talk with a friend but please stay quiet!" She smiled and began working on grading papers.


"LET ME GO!!" Kokichi yelled trying to kick Shuichi away he eventually hit him, shuichi rubbed the blood that dripped from his nose. "Oh Kokichi..how much I love you, but you need to quit acting out!" Shuichi yelled pushing Kokichi off the bed. (yeet)

Kokichi yelped and covered his face to avoid being hit, but instead Shuichi grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the room; Kokichi protested for him to stop but his cries failed to leak into the raven haired males head. Kokichi realized Shuichi was actually insane.

Shuichi threw Kokichi down the stairs ( wow calm down Sang✨w o a h✨)

Shuichi glared at the smaller male his yellow eyes pearcing through the darkness "behave.. you might not have to stay down here" a Cheshire smile grew across his face, his eyes looked like a cats. He slammed the door and locked it "w-wait! Shuichi p-please! I'm sorry!" Kokichi cried looking at the stairs.

Kokichi looked around and tried to stand but being thrown to the sement floor can bust ankles (not sorry)

Kokichi fell and yelped "ow..PLEASE SHUICHI LET ME OUT!!"  he cried.

Time skip...

Kokichi sat with his head in his knees looking around for about the millionth time, he saw his phone and old clothes in a pile, for once he was thankful for his millions of pockets. He crawled over to the clothes and grabbed his phone, checking the battery, it was dying it wasn't dead just yet.

He grabbed it and called Nagito who immediately picked up.

"Kichi! Are you alright!?"

"N-no I need help..like n-now..!"

"W-where are you!?"

"I dont know..but I might be able to fi-"

Kokichi yelped and Nagito panicked

"Kichi! Are you alright please answer!!"

Kokichi yelled for help and then silence struck.

"Sorry but Kokichi cant speak right now. I hope you understand~"

Shuichi hummed and hung up, throwing the phone; shattering the screen. "Now Kichi..let's go upstairs to have a little talk~" Shuichi hummed to him and dragged Kokichi upstairs him yelling in pain.


Nagito ran to Kyoko as he and Hajime had to work, Hajime worked with her and Shuichi's Uncle. He ran in with tear stains "Nagito! What happened!?" Hajime said as he walked over to his husband "i-i got a call from K-K-Kokichi and it sound like h-hes in great danger!" Nagito cried.

"Was it on your work phone or home phone?" Kyoko asked "h-home..but I recorded it" Nagito says, Kyoko took his phone and they listened to the call; Hajime looked terrified. "Wait that sounds like my nephew.." Detective Saihara said.

(Its Lazy struggling to make up a name for a character we dont the name for (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞)

"What do you mean Saihara? And who is you nephew?" Kyoko asked. "His name is Shuichi Saihara, his parents went overseas and I've been taking care of him since because they havent come back." Saihara explained.

"Well then we need to investigate your nephew. Anything strange that could locate him to this crime?" Kyoko asked "no. He is obsessed with that show Dangonronpa..its called? I know all of you were on it so was Kokichi. He had plenty of posters if him hanging around his wall, same with you Kyoko, and Izuru" Saihara explained and Hajime hissed at the name.

"Well let's go then!" Nagito yelled and they all followed after as they drove to Saihara's home.


Shuichi heard his uncles car pull up "shit.." he put duck tap over the sleeping Kokichi's mouth (yeah 'sleeping')

He put him down in the basement hiding him in the secret room under the stairs with his clothes and phone, Shuichi quickly ran upstairs and layed on the couch reading a Dangonronpa manga.

"Shuichi we're here for investigation." Saihara said calmly looking at his nephew "and why arent you at school!?"  His parenting side kicked in as he realized there was an hour left of school.

"You know I stay home all the time uncle.." he hissed at his uncle. "Yes yes..anyways me and Detectives Hajime, and Kyoko will searching the house." Saihara said and Shuichi rolled his eyes and continued reading his manga.

838 words

HAHA CLIFFHANGER sorry I swear I do that ever time I leave a story on a cliffhanger- anyways..

Seriously I am- anyways I hope y'all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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