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(Tw: Drowning)

Kokichi was curled up on the coach, tears staining his cheeks as the detectives tried to get words out of him. "Kokichi there is no use hiding it. Tell us what exactly happened." Kyoko said, arms crossed over her chest. "I don't even know what you'd want me to exactly say." He mumbles, Nagito sat next to him. "..how about what happened when you were there?"

Kokichi glanced at the man and huffed. "He took care of me, I was happy." he said through gritted teeth.

"Kokichi-" The boy in question glares, "We want to know what happened when he took you." Kiyoko stated, Naegi held a notepad in his hand. "Why should I tell you?" He growls and Kyoka goes to speak but the blonde next to her interrupted. "We won't arrest him if you tell us." All the detectives looked at him and he kept a straight face. "What the fu-" "Trust me on this guys." He looks at Kiyoko who made a noise of understanding. "Yes, we will let him off." The boys parents stared at them, and Nagito took a deep breath.

"...Really?" Kokichi pulled the blanket away from his face, his once purple hair going white. He was starting to look like Nagito, father like son. even if its cause is from different circumstances.

Naegi nods. "Of course. We will let him out with a warning and community service, no jail time." Kokichi smiles a bit, with a sigh. "Well.." Kokichi had went on about what happened, his brain seeming to try and ignore what he was saying.


Kokichi sat in his room and called Shuichi one last time. "What?" Kokichi let out a quick breath and locked his door. "Oh my goodness, Shu, I was so worried." He held his phone close to his face, feeling as though it was a way to have his love next to him.

"Mhm. You ratted me out didnt you?" Kokichi made a face, afraid of his voice. "What? no of course not, its a lot happened-"


Kokichi stared out the window, sweat driping from his face as his hands shook. "W-well for starters Hajime grabbed my arm and it ripped m-my scabs, they held me down and s-saw it and called their coworkers.." He says, he knees shaking beneath him, making him lose his balance and hold onto the door.

"Kokichi? is everything alright??" Nagito called and the boy growled and leaned against the door. "Im fine! piss off!" He shouts and keeps his hand on the lock. There was a sigh on the other end, Kokichi took note of how there was something wrong with Shuichi's phone, the microphone sounding drowned out and quiet. He was too stressed to even.

"I- Im sorry Kokichi, its just..theres too much going on. If you want to see me sometime Im out in the cabin by the far end of the lake in the Murder Forest." Kokichi blinks, and gulps. "Shumai that forest scares me.." He says, hobbling away from the door and sitting on the beanbag next to his window.

"Dont worry darling.. it will be okay, cause we can see eachother. Can you leave anytime soon? I really want to see you." Kokichi makes a noise, thinking and smiling. "I might, I'll call you back Shumai." Kokichi hangs up and stumbles out of his room. "Dad can I pleaseee go stay at Gontas for a few..!" He begs Nagito, who looks at him. Hajime glances at him as well. "Who is Gonta?"

"Remember? Bug guy, talks in the third person, hes kinda big tough strong guy." Kokichi explains, Nagito smiles. "Oh that sweet boy! Of cou-" "Nagito please, are you ignoring what just happened only an hour ago?"

"Cmon Hajimeee... Gonta's a good boy."

"A gentleman infact!" Kokichi adds, "I need help with school work and hes a very smart guy," Nagito glares at Hajime who sighs, "Fine, call us when you get there. And give us Gonta's number." Kokichi smiled wide and hugged his parents, and gave them Gonta's number. Grabbing some of his shit and walking out, with a wave.

"Gonta pick up..." he mumbles and then lights up when the man answers. "Hello Kokichi!" "Hey Gonta I gotta favour to ask of you."

He could hear Gonta's smile, "Yes? Tell Gonta!" This was going to be a peice of cake. "So I needed to go out for a while but my parents dont trust me, so I told them Im hanging out with you. They'll call you and you gotta tell them Im there, got it?"

There was silence. "Gonta?"

"Gonta dont think this is right.."

"Gonta please it important, I'll...take you to a bug sanctuary!"

"Deal!" Kokichi smiles, "Thank you so much Gonta, see you later." He hangs up as he begins making his way to the forest.


Kokichi shivered as he walked. he had no idea where he was and it was scaring him. He perked up when he saw a silhouette by the lake but it also frightened him. He went as fast and he could and saw Shuichi. "Shumaii!" he says happily and holds onto the man, who in return pet his head. slowly sitting down with Kokichi following.

"Im glad you got here so quickly Kimchi.." He mumbles, running his hand through his pale hair. staring as the crutches he dropped sat in the mid that they sat in as well. "Youre so pretty.." He mumbles and Kokichi smiles leaning into his hand.

"Thank you Shumai.." Kokichi smiles and it quickly changes into a frown and a wince and Shuichi tightened his grip in his hair.

"S-Shuichi..youre hurting me.." Shuichi stared blankly at the boy in his lap. "Shuichi? whats wr-" Kokichi yelps and the blue haired man shoved his head into the water, holding him down.

Kokichi squirmed and tries to use his arms to stop the man holding him down, he was running out of breath and he started to slowly get weaker, his mouth as he lost his breath. when his world startes to go dark he was pulled out of the water. He took a large gasp and coughed uncontrollably, Shuichi pulled him into his lap and he shoved him away a bit but he was tugged closer. He coughed and clutched Shuichi's shirt, who stood and left his crutches there and took of the shorters jacketand left it the. Nudgeing on of the crutches into the water.

"Lets go lay down my dear, you've had a rough day today." Kokochi shivers and stares out into the distance, a terrified look sat on his face as his hair dripped water onto him and the man holding him.

1122 words
anyways hello, apologies for dieing for ever. I hope yall liked this little baby chapter as a return gift. Anywayyyysssss Id like to remind yall that ghis is infact a dark story, and now that ik a better writer it might get a wee bit darker. just wanted to mention as I dont think Im going to put a warning if the thing is just for blood, anything else i will indeed warn for. I just thought Id say taht as yall have probably the noticed that theres a bit of blood in this fic already sooooo ye.

TRIPLE ANYWAYS!!! i hope yall enjoyed and hope you have all been well, stay safe and have a nice life!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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