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Third POV

~a few weeks later~

Kokichi was covered in bruises and cuts, he was sitting in the cold basement wearing shorts and a tank top. His eyes were dull, he felt like he couldn't live without Shuichi. "Shumai...?" He let out his voice hoarse. Shuichi came down, "I've got news my baby~" Shuichi hummed and smiled, Kokichi looked and smiled at the man he learned to love "w-what is it..?" He smiled "you can go back to school, and back to your family" he hissed and Kokichi flinched and frowned "b-but I want to s-stay with you.." kokichi teared up, Shuichi smiled and kissed Kokichi "I'll still be with you at school~" Shuichi hummed and Kokichi smiled.

Shuichi untied Kokichi's wrist, he gave Kokichi his hood and scarf. He helped Kokichi put the on "dont let anyone ever see you arm" Shuichi said and he put the hoodie over him, he picked up Kokichi "act like you escaped, and say you never saw there face." Shuichi demanded and Kokichi nodded and smiled cuddling up to him.

He gave Kokichi his broken phone, it was charged so he could call his family, Shuichi took Kokichi to the side of a road and Kokichi could see the sign "goodbye~" Shuichi ran off leaving him, Kokichi grabbed the phone and called Hajime.


"Dad please..h-help I j-just escaped..."

"Where are you!?"

"----- p-please hurry I h-hurt so much.."

Kokichi hung up and looked at the bandages all over his arms and legs, he smiled and started falling asleep.


"K...chi...ko..chii..KOKICHI!" Hajime yelled and Kokichi sat up quickly and a large amount of pain shot through his body, he yelped and cried. Nagito ran over to him "my poor baby.." he looked at his son and sighed. Kyoko picked up Kokichi and put him in the back of the car on some pillows and was wrapped in the blankets. Nagito looked into his sons eyes, they were hopeless and emotionless. Nagito sighed.


Hajime carried Kokichi and layed him on the bed, they didn't take him to the hospital as his wounds didnt look bad, he layed down and Kokichi stared. Hajime sighed and kissed Kokichi on the forehead, and walked out.


Kokichi smiled as he looked at his arm, he didnt know why he was so happy about 'living' with Shuichi. He abused him but for some reason he missed him.

He was so happy to see Shuichi at school next week.

419 words

Sorry it's so short I didnt know what to write so here you go, anyways I hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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