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Third POV

When Hajime woke up Kokichi he made sure he took his medicine and brought his crutches, he then took Kokichi to school. "Kokichi you're grounded," "what!? But I-" "no buts. You know I said there'd be a consequence for not following the doctors orders. Since you were already grounded it's been renewed." Hajime said as they continued to drive. "B-but I wanted to finally hang out with Rantaro and Kiibo!" Kokichi whined "well if you want to hang out with them they can come over." Hajime said and the car went quiet.

(So um..one of my dogs, Tessa, was whining and I looked at her and go "kokichi?" Then just fuckin' died)

They got to the school and Rantaro walked to the car and opened Kokichi's side door to help Kokichi out. "Hi Mr. Hinata, hope you have a good day." He smiled and grabbed Kokichi's crutches while he was still holding Kokichi in his other arm "yes thank you Amami, if you'd like to hangout with Kokichi you're always welcome to come over" Hajime smiled and so did Rantaro "he's grounded again, ain't he?" "You betcha" they all laughed "well me and Kichi are gonna get to class now, see ya later Mr. Hinata!" Rantaro said and shut the door to the car setting Kokichi down but basically still holding him and helped him with his crutches. The two then began walking into the school and Hajime smiled and began driving home.

Kokichi and Rantaro walked into the class and Kaede smiled and walked over to the two. "Hey Kichi! How are you feeling?" She smiled and so did Kokichi and Rantaro "alright I'm grounded, more" he chuckled and so did the others "well can I come over or is that still a no?" Kaede jokes and Kokichi laughed "yeah! You dont mind do you Rantaro?" "Nah I have to babysit my sisters anyways, but I gotta come over another time!" He nudged Kokichi slightly to not knock him over.

"Ooo! So I can help Kokichi!!" She squealed and hugged the smaller male Making him blush a bit. They sat down and Rantaro grabbed some nail polish and began doing the others nails once they sat down, Kokichi tilted his head about why Rantaro just carries around nail polish. "Jeezus Rantaro do you just pull nail polish out of your ass?" "Oh shut it Kokichi" they all laughed and Rantaro did their nails.

~Time skip to after school cause yes~

Kaede and Kokichi walked outside seeing Hajime's car they walked over and Kaede opened the door to the car and helped Kokichi in "hi Mr. Hinata! I'm Kaede Akama..t..su" her voice kind of quieted making Hajime confused "the shock from the game had made it so she couldn't talk but physical therapy fixed but her voice'll give out on her, she'll finish her sentence in like a minute." Kokichi explains "ah, nice to meet you Kaede!" "You too Mr. Hinata!" She replied and got into the car with the two and shut the door.

They drove to the house and when they got there Kaede helped Kokichi out of the car, she grabbed his crutches and gave them to him; they walked into the house and up to Kokichi's room. They sat on some comfy chairs he had the, they talked for a bit till a knock on the door "come in!" Kaede called and Nagito came in with a tray of snacks and some tea. "Heres some snacks for you two!" He smiled and kokichi did so to until he felt a stare that could cut him if he moved even an inch. He turned to the window and saw nothing "Hunny? Did you hear me?" Nagito asked and Kokichi jumped looking over to him "um to be brutally honest...No." kokichi admitted and Kaede giggled.

"Kaede said she'd be your helper! And I was going to ask if you were okay with that?" Nagito repeated and Kokichi smiled "that'd be fun! Kaede's more fun than she was before" he mumbled the last bit so Kaede to hear, she gently smacked him atop the head; he groaned and rubbed his head  and Nagito chuckled and shook his head "I'll leave these here, love you Kichi beann!" Nagito yelled leaving trying to embarrass Kokichi. Kaede squealed and grabbed Kokichi's hands jumping up and down saying 'Kichi Bean' over and over making Kokichi flush red and yell back at her.

??? POV

"Too close to my Kichi..."

752 words
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter I dont actually remember the last time I updated lol. Well before I end this chapter ima show you guys a picture of my dogs :)

This is Tessa (sorry it flipped it wattpad is kinda an ass)

And Bane, he was my brothers dog but it's a long story. Hes kinda..no a really big dum dum.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed love yall, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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