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Third POV

Kokichi woke up in a dark room, he sat up quickly hitting his head on the ceiling. (CAN I JUST SAY I DID THAT IN MY LOFT BECAUSE MY BROTHER SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME SHBSHD)

"Ow..." he groaned rubbing his head and winced, he looked at the bandages and looked around he saw light coming from downstairs, he saw the ladder was still up, he slowly and painfully made his way to the ladder, he slowly climbed down trying not to make any noise. Kokichi looked around and saw Shuichi's phone in the kitchen, he made his way over and went into one of the cabinets to hide just in case Shuichi was home.

He dialed Hajimes work number and let out heavy breaths terrified of Shuichi finding him, Hajime answered.


"D-Dad its me..."

"Wait Kokichi? Are you alright?"

"Nows not a great t-time to be a-asking those questions..."

"I need your h-help, I'm t-trying to-"

"N-never mind, I'll call you l-later."

"K-kokichi! Wa-"

Kokichi hung up and crawled out of the cabinet, he didn't want to be caught on the phone again, that would get him in more trouble; which he thought was death. Kokichi used the counter for support, he looked at the counter and around the house to find and exit.

He wobbled over to were he saw a door that looked like it lead outdoors, he tripped on something and heard a loud thud that wasnt him, he looked and saw and hammer stuck in the ground. His heart stopped. He stood up and tried to run but he stopped. He looked and saw the door, he ran over and tried to open it but something hit him in the head; may king the world go black and a thud was only noise that surrounded the house.


Rantaro sat in Kokichi's room looking at the room, he forgot how childish it was.

"Jeez Kokichi your room looks like a three year olds!" Rantaro laughed and Kokichi punched his arm and laughed "oh hush moron." Kokichi smiled, he stood on his tip toes and kissed Rantaro on the cheek and sat down. Rantaro's face was bright red, Kokichi laughed " kay let's play some games."

(That's pretty gay)

Rantaro sighed and Nagito came upstairs and set some snacks down. "Thanks sir" he smiled "please, call me Nagito" he smiled and so did Rantaro.

~time skip~

Kokichi woke up his wrists in so much pain he looked around and started panicking. "H-hello!" He yelled and saw Shuichi, the last person he wanted to see. "Awe Kichi, you didnt think you could run away could you?~"

"I-Im sorry S-Shumai! I-I wont d-d-do it again!" Kokichi cried and Shuichi hummed. (He did that fucking annoying teacher thing the tch thing like AHHHHH)

"I know you won't~ but of course I have to punish you, so you WONT do it again." Shuichi grabbed the collar of his shirt and smirked "p-please S-S-Shumai I-I really am s-sorry!" Kokichi cried and Shuichi let go and grabbed a knife and turned towards Kokichi "it's not fun to let you go without punishment!!~" he smiled wide.

He walked over to Kokichi and Kokichi tried back up but he slammed his back into the wall, he shook his head "p-please! Shumai!" Kokichi yelled tears streaming down his face, shuichi kneeled next to him and grabbed his arm. "Common Kichi..lighten UP" Shuichi tightened his grip and Kokichi winced, he grabbed the knife and started cut Kokichi's arm; Kokichi screamed in pain as Shuichi continued to cut Kokichi.


Kokichi looked at his arm, it was covered in blood and Shuichi's name was carved into it, he cried harder and Shuichi rubbed Kokichi's back and kissed him "there there, I love you but there are consequences. So remember that~ " he hummed.

Kokichi opened his eyes and looked at Shuichi, he sniffled and cried into his shoulder and Shuichi hummed and rubbed his back.

682 words

Hello there! I'm your friendly neighborhood idiot, my name is Lazy :) anyways I hope you all enjoyed, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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