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Third POV
~a week later~

Kokichi had been aloud to go to school again, and he was glad to finally see Shuichi again! He smiled as he put Shuichi's hoodie on and smiled, he put on some jeans and Hajime knocked on the door. "Comin!" Kokichi smiled brightly "heyo Kimchi, ready for breakfast?" Hajime helped Kokichi up onto his crutches "mhm!"

Hajime helped him downstairs (even though he didnt need it) he ate his breakfast and smiled "you have therapy after school, no staying late okay?" Nagito looked over "okay!" 'I dont need therapy, all I need is Shuichi' kokichi smiled and Hajime took Kokichi out to the car and put him in the car.


Rantaro helped Kokichi out of the car and Hajime left and Kokichi walked faster than Rantaro "hey Kichi where are you going?" Rantaro said "leave me alone. I dont need you, I only need Shumai" Kokichi said when he stopped and turned to Rantaro frowning.

Rantaro went pale and looked into Kokichi's violet eyes seeing how emotionless and dull "c'mon Kichi...y-you dont mean t-that yourjust u-um..stressed" Rantaro felt tears stinging his eyes "Oma." "H-huh?" "We aren't friends, he told me you were fake." Kokichi said.

~Kokichi's texts with Shuichi~

Kichi Rantaro is a fake.

What do u mean?

I'm saying hes only using your love he doesnt love you at all. You're just a pawn in his game to get chicks because he thinks hes all that in a bag of chips.

He doesn't love you.

I do.

Leave him to die in his game if cat and mouse, the cat will finally lose this mind game.

Ok, I trust you

And you can only trust me.

~back to the tea sis~

"T-They're lying! I went t-through a fucking k-killing game with you a-and trust someone w-who doesnt know what death even feels l-like!?" Rantaro yelled, tears streaming down his face. Kaede ran over to see what the commotion was about"w-whats going on!?" "Kokichi is going insane!" Rantaro yelled hot tears streaming down his face.

"I'm not going insane. He told me I was one of your pawns and that you lied about everything!" Kokichi yelled "who's 'he' huh!? You keep saying him but who the hell is the manipulator!?" Rantaro yelled "None of your damn business!" Kokichi argued back. "Why cant you get your head straight!? You cant believe what people just tell you, you'll get put in situations you cant escape from!" Rantaro yelled.

"Yknow what Amami!? I dont care what you tell me, your opinion has no meaning to me anymore! You haven't been through what I have, sure we both died in a killing game but one of us made it out in a healthy condition! I hate you! I hate you! Hate you! Hate you! Hate you!" Kokichi snapped at him and Rantaro and Kaede went pale, Kokichi's never spoken like this, Kaede looked into Kokichi's eyes seeing the same as Rantaro did.

Shuichi walked over "Kimchi your okay! I'm so happy!" Shuichi hugged Kokichi who hugged him back, Shuichi gripped one of Kokichi's arm slightly lifted up his sleave on his hoodie. Kaede tapped Rantaro's shoulder and pointed towards the two males, and Rantaro's eyes widened as he saw the bruising and rope burn around Kokichi's wrist, he looked at Shuichi who was smiling and staring at the two as his grip tightened on Kokichi's arm.

"S-Shumai you're hurting me.." Kokichi whimpered "you're fine, suck it up." Shuichi said annoyed "o-okay.." Kokichi mumbled and smiled leaning against Shuichi "off." "S-sorry Shumai" Kokichi let go and they started walking.

Rantaro watched as Shuichi kicked Kokichi's crutches making him fall over and yelp "ow..m-may I have help..?" Kokichi slowly looked up at Shuichi "fine." Shuichi helped Kokichi and smiled and talked to Kokichi.

"What. The. Fuck." Rantaro said baffled. "Y-you saw that too..?" Kaede asked and Rantaro nodded. "I should call Mr. Hinata.." Rantaro grabbed his phone "about which part?" "Kokichi getting pissed" Rantaro said and Kaede nodded as they walked into the school "I'll call him after school."Rantaro said and Kaede smiled "I dont think those two have a healthy relationship.." Kaede said "I think Saihara's behind Kokichi's disappearing." Rantaro said.


After school Shuichi kissed Kokichi's cheek and helped him into Nagito's car and smiled "have a good day Kichi." Shuichi shut the car door and waved at Kokichi who waved back. "You ready? It do you wanna stop at home first?" "I'm ready!" Kokichi smiled happily.


Rantaro and Kaede got to kaede's house, they went up to her room and she began playing the piano as Rantaro sat on her bed and called Hajime. "Hello Rantaro how have you been?" Hajime asked.

"Hey Mr. Hinata, I've been good how about you?"

"I've been fine, me and Nagito have been a but panicky but we're fine."

"Oh, well. Um can I ask you about something?"

"Throw it at me"

"More like tell you something but this morning me and Kokichi had an argument and um, I was wondering if anything's changed about him at home..?" Kaede stopped playing.

"Oh I dont suppose so, hes been more cheerful and has been hiding in his room, yet I do think he would be paranoid about it; well that's what the therapist we hired said."

"Oh okay um anyways-"

"What were you two arguing about?"

"I hate you! I hate you! hate you! Hate you! Hate you!" Kokichi snapped

Rantaro started tearing up and sniffling "u-um..its um..h-he was saying someone h-he wasnt naming was t-telling him to not trust me and I g-guess saying I was only using him..a-and told me he hated me.." Rantaro said and Keade rubbed his back.

"Oh..I'm sorry, I'll bring it up with Nagito.. thanks for informing have a great day"

Hajime hung up and Rantaro started balling and Kaede tried to comfort him.


"So Oma, how did you feel after coming home?"

"I guess lost. I hadn't been home and didn't recognize anything and thought everyone was going to hurt me."

1035 words

I think that's the longest chapter to any book I've made in this hell year 2020. Anyways I thought this would be interesting. Idk what else to put so let's have a meme

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, merry Crisler, and have a nice life!💕

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