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Kokichi POV

I quickly shot up with sweat dripping down my face, I opened my eyes to see the light purple color that covered the walls, I let out a huge sigh of relief and questioned what happened yesterday.

I continued playing games until I  heard the window open and smiled "hey Rantaro! Wha-" the person covered my face with a rag "wrong~" Shuichi hummed and I yelled for kaede but it was all muffled until I blacked out.

"I have weird dreams.." I sighed and looked around and my eyes widened 'nope this isn't my room'

I saw pictures of my hanging all over the walls, Dangonronpa posters (most with me on them) Monokuma plushies all over. I was terrified.

I heard the door open and in came Shuichi. "Oh! You're finally awake!" He smiled creepily and got closer to the bed, me backing up till I hit the bed frame. "W-why am I here!?" I yelled "because you love me~" "I HATE YOU, YOU BASTARD!!" I yelled at him and he frowned.

He came closer to me, I tried backing up more but for I was already at the bed frame, I glared at him but he didn't care, the look coming from his face could frighten anyone.

"Oh Kichi..you love me put you just dont.." he grabbed a box cutter from his pocket "REALIZE IT" he said loud as he stabbed my hand, I yelped in pain and started crying; he took it out of my hand making me want to scream, but I just started crying even more.

He grabbed a bottle and took out a pill and told me to take it, I refused so he made me take it "pain meds..we don't want my dearest to be in pain..now do we?~" he smiled and walked out.

I looked at my hand as blood soaked the bed sheets, the bed sheets eventually became dark red, I did nothing but watch it; my vision got blurry and I saw Shuichi walk in, he walked over to me and started disinfecting it making me wince and let out a small whimper.

He then proceeded to bandage it. He leaned his close to mine and smiled making me scared he then tried to kiss my cheek but I kept scooting away from him and he glared daggers at me, he then kissed me and I tried to push him away but I was weak from blood loss.

Shuichi pulled away and smirked "I'll be in the kitchen~" he hummed and left slamming the door and locking it from the outside, Kokichi layed down getting under the blankets and started silently crying.


Nagito, Hajime, Kaede, and the Detectives were sitting in Kokichi's room, Rantaro left as he couldn't stay even if he wanted to, "So Kaede, you were downstairs in the kitchen making lunch and you heard quite yelling?" Kyoko said "yes..I ran up and saw the window was open, and at school Rantaro and Kokichi said that since he was grounded Rantaro would sneak in through the window..so he might of that it was Rantaro.."


526 words

Sorry for a cliff hanger, I just do not know how the hell to finish off this chapter. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this, love y'all, stay safe and have a nice life!💕

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