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Third POV

Shuichi rolled his eyes "am I that suspicious? I cant believe you cant trust me" Shuichi said annoyed and Saihara sighed "Shuichi you're a prime suspect, quite fooling around." Saihara said and they then began the search. Nagito walked around and saw Kokichi's scarf on the floor down in the basement. "Um I found something!" He yelled and every one ran down stairs and saw Kokichis scarf.

Kyoko picked it up and looked at it closely "there seems to be blood on it." She said and Shuichi kept cool although he panicked on the inside. Nagito started shaking a bit. "Kichi! Answer me buddy!" Hajime yelled and held his husband.


Kokichi began to slowly wake up, he heard yelling that was muffled he tried to speak but realized he had duck tape over his mouth and his hands were tied together same with his feet. He stated yelling and tried to get out of the con fined area. He cried and heard stomping over to around the area he was in. "Kichi please if you're here answer!" Nagito yelled and kokichi yelled and started crying as the ropes scratched at his wrists.

Kokichi heard Shuichi and his heart dropped "I told you uncle. Hes not here, just because i like the game hes in doesnt mean I'd kidnap him or something." Shuichi said "no please..!" Kokichi tried to yell but it was too muffled.

"Fine..but I'm keeping my eye in you." Saihara said "I get it. Now I'm going back upstairs to my room." "Wait, Saihara we haven't checked his room." Kyoko said and her, Hajime, and Saihara went up to his room and Shuichi followed.

Nagito looked at where he stood and kicked the stairs and Kokichi jumped hitting his head, and Nagito stared confused and sat on the ground in front of the stairs "Kichi..?" He asked and Kokichi scratched at the door but all that did was slightly tear up his finger tips; making them bleed and him cry harder.

Nagito sighed and stood up crying silently as he held his sons scarf "kichi I'm so sorry.." he mumbled and rubbed his eyes, kokichi heard Hajime speaking to Nagito. "I'm sorry Ko..but we'll find him. I'm sure of it. Kokichi tried hitting the 'door', he succeeded.

Nagito and Hajimes head turned towards the stairs were Kokichi continued to hitting the 'door', his knuckles bruised and bleeding. He stopped and he felt dizzy, Kokichi shoved his head in his knees and whimpered; he knew it was his fault for losing blood but he didn't care.


Eventually everyone left as they had more cases. Shuichi came downstairs and unlocked the door and gasped seeing Kokichi with bloody hands and the blood on his clothes "Kimchi!" He yelled and picked up Kokichi, he ran upstairs and set Kokichi down and he woke up "S-Shumai..?" He asked confused and Shuichi smiled and walked over to him "yes..do you want a bath?" He asked and Kokichi to exhausted to repute slowly nodded and Shuichi carried him and ran the water in the tub. "When it's full you have thirty minutes. Then I'll come and help you out." Shuichi said walking out.

Kokichi got a headache from the sound of the rushing water, the dripping sink didn't help either. When it was full Shuichi came in and turned off the water, he kissed Kokichi's forehead and left; Kokichi undressed and wobbly got into the tub, he hadn't walked without his crutches for so long.

He cleaned himself and got out grabbing the towels Shuichi left for him and dried off, he smiled at the warmth the towels gave him as he was freezing in the basement.

Shuichi came in and smiled "I brought you some clothes if you'd like some help" Kokichi nodded hesitantly and Shuichi helped him get dressed; he the carried Kokichi to the bedroom and sat him down. "Were should you go now..maybe in the loft! Theres an extra bed and I'm the only one who goes up there!"

Shuichi smiled and grabbed Kokichi carefully carrying him up the ladder as Kokichi held on for dear life as Shuichi set him up there, shuichi git up and grabbed the bandages that were up there (as it's a hangout but also a storage) when he was finished he put Kokichi on the extra mattress.

(My phones auto response for 'the extra' was toothbrush. What the fuck Richard)

He put a blanket around Kokichi and Kokichi began falling asleep.

754 words

Good evening. Sorry that's weird- anyways!  I dont know what  to put so we'll end. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, and have a nice life!💕

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