Thirteen ~ Carly / Noah

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Okay, tonight is the night. The house is cleaned, I put fresh sheets on my bed, I'm showered, freshly shaved legs and waxed nether regions. Stacy will be here soon to pick up the kids. Now I just have to decide what to wear.

I kind of like Stacy's idea of just surprising him with my lingerie. Thank you amazon prime, they came in last night and I actually love all three. One is a little more daring than the others but it's kind of my favorite. I just don't know if I have the body to wear it.

Connor's voice echos through the house.  "Titi Carly, Stacy is here!"

"Tell her I need her help! " I yell back. Not even a minute later Stacy walks in.

"Hey girl. So are we excited or nervous or both?

"Definitely a little of both. And I need some help. I don't know what to wear as usual."

"Which one did you buy?"

"All three?"

"Yes! Okay go with the red lacy body suit, that has all the cut outs"

"Isn't that a little much for a first time

"Definitely not, once he sees you in it he'll be hooked."

"What if it doesn't look good on me."

"Carly, get your ass in that bathroom and put it on."

"Fine but you have to promise if it looks terrible you will tell me to change."

She nods in agreement and I drag my feet into the bathroom to put it on. As I look at myself in the mirror I'm pleasantly surprised at how I look. I look kind of hot and I feel pretty sexy in it.

"Let me see!" I walk out and Stacy's jaw just drops.

"Is it that bad?"

"No way, I'm just wondering how I can get you to switch teams! "

"Stop bullshitting me."

"Okay fine, but you seriously do look fucking hot! And if you weren't my best friend I would definitely hit on you."

"Thank you and I was thinking of keeping it on then just surprising him like you said."

" Hell yeah, but it has a high strap on the neck we're gonna have to hide it. "

"I only own one halter top dress and it's kind
of boring."

"So you don't need flashy, it's a home cooked meal date. Besides he's gonna be so shocked at what's underneath that it won't matter. Finish your makeup, I'm gonna pack the kids up. I'll be downstairs with them."

I decide to go with a simple natural makeup and a red lip. I left my hair is soft curls and
just pinned a bit back in the front on one side, so that my earrings show a bit. I
spray my self with my perfume and put on some simple nude wedges. As I head downstairs, Stacy and the kids all turn around and start hollering at me.

"Wow, Titi you look pretty!"

"She does look great!"

"Are you going on a date?"

I hate keeping things from them. After tonight if it goes well, tomorrow I'm talking to them and explaining everything about Noah.

"Yes Maggie I am."

"With who?"

"Well, how about we see how my date goes and if he's special enough I'll let you guys know tomorrow, okay?" She nods and gives me a big hug. "Thank you, now you three please behave and above all have fun with Stacy. And if Jemma acts weird just remember she just needs a little attention and love from her big brother and
big sissy okay." They both said okay in unison.

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