Twenty ~ Carly

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Noah has been amazing as usual and set up an entire mini vacation for the kids and I. I
still can believe he's going to skip visiting his mom this entire weekend to take us away. I
have no idea where we are going but if I know anything about Noah is that he will make
sure it's unforgettable.

I'm really excited to take a break. The stress of the constant being needed for everything is killing me. Yes I love the kids and I love my job and I love Noah but it's just all so much
and I can't remember the last time I had five minutes to myself. I can't even pee without one of the kids banging on the door for something. Hopefully I can somehow get a half hour of solitude while we are away.

"Ready babe, all our bags are in the car let's go get our kids. " See how amazing he is, he still surprises me everyday.

"Our kids? I love you so much and it means the world to me that you treat them as your own. "

"I'm only treating them with love."

"I know and it's amazing and you're amazing." I lean in to give him a passionate filled kiss. I am truly madly deeply in love with this amazing man before me. "And yes, I've never been more ready to spend the entire weekend away with my loves." We lock up quickly and head to pick up the kids.

  Not long after leaving the house we have a car packed with bags, kids and snacks and are on the road to our secret destination. Yes still a secret because somehow Noah is a sealed volt. I honeslty have no idea how he has been able to keep it a secret for almost a month. I've even tried sexual bribery, like come on. Maybe since we are actively on the road he will tell me now.

"So are you ever gonna tell us where we are

"Not a chance beautiful."

"Can you be persuaded?"

"Nope. But that hasn't stopped you all month. So by all means, please try again." He flashes me a sexy smirk as I roll my eyes at him. We end up driving for fifteen minutes before I fall asleep. On drives I'm apparently just like the kids.

I'm completely unaware of how long we have been driving when the sound of little whispers wake me up. "Why are you all whispering, secrets don't make friends. "

"We were deciding how long to let you keep sleeping for because we are here. " Hell yeah! I jolt up and look around. I can smell the salty beach air before I even turn to see it behind us. I know they didn't drag my big ass on a plane as I was sleeping so that only leaves one possibility.

"Are we in Montauk? "

"Yes we are baby. " I step out of the car and look up to the beautiful beach front home who's driveway we are parked in. It's a two story off white home. With a large second floor deck looking out towards the water. I'm instanly internally planning early morning sunrise reading with a large cup of coffee on it.

"I've never been here."

"Really? But we live so close to such a beautiful place." I shrug not really needing to explain how life gets in the way of exploring beautiful areas, even areas that are only a half hour drive away from home.

" You guys ready for the beach?" The kids shout in unison causing Noah and I to laugh along with their excitement.  "Alright let's get our stuff out and unpack a bit first, then
we will go down to the beach for a while. "

Later that night I'm cleaning up the makeshift play area for the kids while Noah puts them
to bed. We've only been here most of a day and I'm already blissfully relaxed. I hear him before I see him, he comes into the room and hugs me from behind while kissing my neck.

"Mmmmm.... , that was fast. No bedtime fights or excuses?"

"Nope, the excitement from the day must have tired them out completely. Which is good because I have another surprise for you."

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