Ten ~ Carly / Noah

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Dr. Noah is amazing with kids. Obviously, it's pretty much in his job description. I honestly don't know why I'm so shocked. Probably because I seem to be in such denial. I have been watching him all afternoon and yet still haven't been able to find one flaw in him. Like come on, everyone has at least one right? No one is actually perfect, could they be? Maybe, Stacy is right. Maybe I should just give him a shot.  He's definitely a total catch. He's kind, funny, good with kids, plus he's hot as hell. I would be stupid to not realize what's right in front of me. Right?


Shit. He just caught me staring at him again. That makes three awkward stalker moments I've had today. Way to go Carly. And now he's walking towards me.  Okay let's try not to come off as socially awkward for once.

He flashes me with his mega watt smile which seems to melt away my nervousness. "Hey, what are you doing over here by yourself? "

"Just people watching." He smirks at me  before looking back at the party.

"People watching, or Noah watching?"  Yup, great job being descreat. I somehow muster enough courage to look him in his beautiful eyes. And I'm instanly drawn into him. There's just something about them that makes me want to jump head first into the world that is Dr. Noah Jacobson. I would be stupid not to take this chance. So instead of pussing out I jump.

"A little bit of both." I reply with a thousand butterflies fluttering around my stomach.

"Well I hope you're enjoying the view." He gives me a cheeky smile and a sexy wink to go with it, before jogging back to the group of kids.

A couple of hours later, we have played games, done the piñata, cut the cake and even opened the presents. The last child was just finally picked up and I was ecstatic. Don't get me wrong I loved throwing Maggie a birthday party but fuck if it isn't exhausting.

I can however, say I enjoyed my self. In fact I laughed and smiled so much my cheeks are a little sore. But now it's time to clean this bomb of a mess up. And lord knows the kids will only make it harder, so I've just helped them up to their rooms with all of Maggie's new gifts to play. On my way back down I see Dr. Noah walking around with a trash bag grabbing whatever he can find to clean up. He picks up a cake plate and tosses it in the bag before looking up at me at the bottom of the stairs, "I'm so tired, thank god kids parties are so short. I don't know how you're still standing in those wedges."

"That's exactly why they are so short."
He chuckles while tossing in some more plates. Breath Carly, breath, just ask him.

"Noah? " He gives me an amused look.

"That's the first time you have ever just called me Noah."

 "Well, yeah, it kind of calls for it right now. " He smiles and gestures towards the couch. I follow his lead and sit down next to him, my knees slightly angled towards him so we can talk face to face. I inhale nervously as I toy with the hem on my dress. He must sense my stress and uncertainty because he places a comforting hand on top of mine. It gives me just enough strength to get my question out.

"I kind of want to know if you would like to go out sometime?"

*****   Noah

Wait what? Did she just ask me out? I'm speachless, I can't believe she made the first move. I was almost certain it would have to be me.

"I'm sorry never mind, that was out
of line." Wait not so fast beautiful.

"Yes." She looks at me with a goofy smile and a tilt to her head. "Yes Carly, I would love to take you out." That gets a nervous giggle out of her and I'm instanly pinning for her. She's just so damn cute when she's nervous. She flashes me a warm smile in return before standing back up and grabbing the garbage bag I was working on.

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