Three ~ Carly

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I wake up covered in sweat, another restless night of twisting and turning. I just can't seem to get the image of Maggie and Connor's face as they broke down in agony when I told them they had just lost their parents. My alarmclock starts to ring signaling me to get my ass up and get the kids ready.

After taking a quick shower I peak into Maggie's room and notice she's not in there, I mildly start to worry as I check Connor's room. They are not in there either. Now I am full blown panicking as I run to Jemma's room, then the kitchen and living room, which were all empty. I run back upstairs yelling until I bust through Lucy and Jim's room. The final place to look and it was exactly where they are. All three of them, cuddled up under the covers in their parent's bed.

It was the most beautifully sad thing I have ever seen. I pulled down the quilt and crawled in next to them as the tears flowed.

"Titi? When did you get in here? Are you mad we aren't in our beds?" He must have herd my sniffles.

"No honey of course not. This room was your parent's room and you guys are always welcomed in here. I sometimes come in here to talk to them. They maybe in heaven but they are also in here." I pointed to his heart and he looked down. When he looked back up again, he had a half smile on. I haven't seen his smile in so long I forgot what it looked like.

"I come in here all the time when I miss your mom. I sit right on this bed and talk to her." Maggie turns to face me now.

"You do?"

"Yes babies, I do, so whenever you are missing them, come in here and talk to them. They may not be able to answer back but they sure can hear you. And if that doesn't help, Stacy has a friend who is this amazing doctor. I was thinking that today we could maybe all go meet him and talk to him for a while. What do you think?"

"Why?" Connor quickly questioned.

"Yeah, why do we want to talk to a doctor? Are you sick? Don't leave us Titi, we can't lose you too!" Maggie asked with a panicked look on her face.

Shit, way to go Carly.

"No, no no. Guys I'm not sick. And he isn't that type of doctor. He talks to people when they are sad and helps them get better. And I think right now we are all a little sad and could use someone to talk to."

Connor sat up with a slight smirk, almost as if a light bulb went off. "So he's like a friend?"

"Sure, yes like a friend. He's going to sit and listen to you and then talk through your feelings with you. What do you say? Then maybe after we can go to IHOP? Maybe meet up with Stacy? "

Connor nodded in agreement as Maggie began to bargain. "Depends, can I have banana pancakes with chocolate ships and whip cream"

"Chocolate chips?"

"Yeah that's what I said."

"Well you drive a hard bargain. But I think we can make it work."

That was definitely easier than I thought. Now to get them down there. I peaked at the alarm clock and realized we slept in and were already running late for our appointment.


"Ohhhh! Swear jar Titi!"

"Dammit, okay I'll get some change when we are out, now go get dressed, both of you. Connor help your sister when your done please, I'm gonna get Jemma and her diaper bag done. Meet me in the living room as fast as you can. And don't forget to brush your teeth!"


After a short drive we pulled up to the office. It didn't exactly look like a doctor's office, more like a fancy day care or retirement home. But what do I know.

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