Eight ~ Carly

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After the awkward phone conversation with Dr. Noah, he has been a little weird. He kind of doesn't really talk to me at all now. Sure he says 'hi' and 'bye', but really if it doesn't have to do with the kids or a professional pleasantry, it doesn't come out of his mouth. I hope I didn't scare him away, I mean we could be friends. Of course I would love more than that, but what if something went wrong. Or if I screwed it up like I have done with my past relationships. And what if he took it out on the kids, or stopped seeing them. I couldn't let that happen, they are in such a good place now. They are pretty much back to normal. Sure as normal as three kids could be after losing their parents, but their new normal and I love seeing them being kids again.

I definitely am making the right choice, just not the right choice for myself, but the right choice for the kids. They are now my world and that's all that matters. I guess I'll just be single for the rest of my life. I just have to stop thinking about him. It's been days so even if I changed my mind it's probably to late now. I've made my bed and now I've got to lie in it...... alone of course.

  Two quick knocks sound on the front door before it's pushed open and Stacy's big smile comes into view.

"Knock knock! I'm here!"

Giving her a key was the best decision for the first full week. Now, not so much. I really would have loved five more minutes of self pity.

"Hey Stacy." I greet her in my most melodramatic tone possible.

"Wow, someone's excited to see me."

I give her a drastic sigh. "Sorry I was just enjoying some self pity time."

She gives me a soft smile. "Girl that's why you do it in the shower, you won't get interrupted."

"I'll try to remember that for tomorrow's pity party."

She comes around the table and plops herself down next to me. "So what is it?"

"Egh don't worry about it."

She contemplates for a moment as she burns holes into my soul. Clearly, she knows I'm full of shit.

"Fine, but you know I'm here, you know for when you finally get the balls to tell me."

"Noted, anyway I need your help with these damn goody bags. If I have to curl one more ribbon I'm gonna lose it."

"Well before we get all wild and crazy with party favors, I brought some goods for us."

She reaches into the bag at her foot and pulls out two bottles of Roscato.

"God Stacy you really are the perfect

"Don't I know it."

I snatched the bottles from her. Chilled one and opened the other and poured us each a healthy glass. It wasn't long until we heard the thumping of the kids feet rushing down the stairs.

Maggie was the first one to turn the corner into the dining room.

"Stacy! What did you bring me?"

"Maggie! Stacy is not here to bring you

"But she brings you things!"


"Yea but that's because I'm her favorite!" Connor now comes around the corner holding Jemma's hand.

  "Yea right, I'm definitely her favorite."

"No me!" Maggie quickly interjected. But was short lived by Jemma's adorable outburst.


Perfect timing Jemma, it's cute how she has a new habit of following them around and repeating the one or two words she knows.

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