Seventeen ~ Carly

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It's been four blissful months since Noah told me about his mother and we have somehow
settled into a routine together. The kids no longer need visits which is great because I
don't think I could have taken them to a new therapist and I definitely didn't feel right still
taking them to Noah. So we settled on just doing once a month for a couple of months
then it just ended all together. I guess since Noah was now apart of their regular life it
didn't hit them as a large change.

Noah has been amazing to the kids, he has stepped up and become like my other half. He seems to naturally pick up where I leave off and need help. At first I was a little reluctant to let him help me with anything more then simple boyfriend duties but he was relentless and finally I caved little by little.

Now that Connor is in school he picks him up for me during the week while I get Maggie
and Jemma from daycare. We then usually have dinner together at least three nights during the week. The other nights he spends with his mom. I usually spend those nights with Stacy and the kids. She's still such a huge part of their life and even mine.

Somehow we all mesh together really well. Even Noah and Stacy. At first I thought there
would be some awkward tension between them, but if there was I never actually noticed
it. Sure Stacy seems to be a huge cock block but it's never on purpose, she just has really
bad timing. On the plus side they are actually really funny together, more like a brother and sister. They like to pick on eachother for sport.

"Carly! I'm here! " Noah's voice echoing through the stairway gets me out of my thoughts.

"I'll be right down!" I yell back before getting up and heading downstairs. On the last couple of steps Noah siting on the couch comes into view. His arms are sexily draped effortlessly across the back of the couch until he waves at me with a come hither look in his eyes which has me instantly wet. I of course happily oblige. Once I'm within reach he grabs my hips and guides me onto his lap.

"Noah the kids are around here. "

"No they're not. "

"What did you do?" He's now toying with the hemline of my dress as he raises it dangerously high up my thighs.

"I had Stacy meet me here and she just took them out for ice cream. "

"Oh, well okay then. "

"Please don't be mad."

"I'm not, but I am intrigued as to why you sent my kids away. "

"So I can have my nasty little way with you."

"Well you don't have to tell me twice." His deep sexy laugh echos through the room.

"Well that's actually the second reason, the first is I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh boy. Should I get off your lap for this or..." He grips my hips tighter holding me captive in our own little bubble.

"Carly... I would like you to meet my mother."
He strangly is holding his breath as if waiting for me to react negatively. Instead I lean forward a place a sweet kiss on his delicious lips.

"I would love to. "

"Really? "

"Of course Noah, you love her and I love
you and.... " Fuck!!! Oh my god!!! Did I just finally tell Noah what I've been too much of a pansy to say? I'm internally panicking until he releases the breath he was holding. These two seconds feel like twenty minutes until he cups my face in his hands and pulls me in for another kiss. It's to late now, no going back.

"I'm sorry, it slipped but it's true and you don't have to say it back I understand if you don't feel the same way. I just.... " He cuts me off with another kiss, this time it's a heated toe curling kiss.

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