Fourteen ~ Carly / Noah

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I don't know what came over me, but when Noah confessed his true feelings, I changed. It was like my inner self really came out. I was a new woman and I liked her. Just the way his eyes caressed my curves as I seductively slipped off my dress. And the way he held me tight and firm while still being gentle. It blew my mind. And God, when he flipped me over and made me say I was his, I almost came right then and there. Noah is by far the sexiest man I have ever been with. And boy did he know what he was doing. He didn't just have sex with me, he literally made love to me. I know we are not there yet, to actually say the words. But I felt it and I'm pretty sure he felt it too. I could tell by the look in his eyes. He no longer was filled with lust it definitely transitioned to love somewhere between the second and third time we came undone together.

Now I'm still laying in the arms of the man I'm pretty sure I love already. I'm definitely scared because my rational brain is telling me it's to soon, but this feels so much stronger than anything I've ever felt before.

"Are you watching me sleep?"

Shit! I lift my head up off his chest to look into his eyes.

"Good morning gorgeous." I blissfully sigh. Dr. Noah Jacobson, is my kryptonite. And I am the happiest I've ever been.

"Can you blame me, you're a fine piece of man hunk."

His sexy deep laugh rumbles through the room. "I guess you do have a point there." He leans up and I met him half way. I normally would judge people in movies who kiss
before brushing their teeth, but I finally understand it. Who cares about bad breath when all you want is to feel the endorphins that rush through your body when you kiss
the man you love. Damn, it's true, I guess I do think I love him already.

"Mmmmmmm! Good morning to you too!"

"It's nice waking up to you."

"Oh is it?"

"Definitely, especially when your naked and I can do this." He rolls us both over and starts kissing down my neck. His firm lips mixed with his warm breath feels amazing trailing down my neck to my collarbone, then down to the valley between my breast. Making goosebumps ripple across following the same route as his lips.

"Oh Noah!" It comes out as a pleading whisper. He looks up at me as he smiles while massaging my breast.

"Don't worry baby, I'm gonna take real good care of you." With that he nips on my hard nipples and continues his trail down to my aching center. After last night I didn't even think I would be able to finish again, but I was wrong. I was completely wrong. Noah wasn't just an amazing kisser. He knew exactly where to lick and suck, to get me arching off of the bed while screaming his name. His mouth completely spent me, if I died at this exact moment, it would be okay because I would be dieing in a blissful state of euphoria.

"God Noah."

"You're welcome?" He smirks at me fully pleased with himself as he crawls back up the bed laying next to me.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"Do you really want the answer to that question?"

"Yeah nevermind, I'm a crazy person you can not judge me for what comes out of my mouth right after you've done that to me."

"I'll keep that in mind. "

I lean over and check my phone for the time. "It's still pretty early, do you mind if I take a
quick shower?"

"Not at all. I'm gonna make a quick call, do what you have to do." I give him a quick peck and walk to the ensuite. I have a new level of confidence in me, I am even exaggerating my hip sway as I walk out in hopes he's watching. I turn my head back at him and sure enough he is checking my ass out. And I couldn't be more thrilled. This sex god is enjoying  looking at me. Please don't let this be a dream.

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