Seven ~ Carly

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We are coming to the end of a session with Dr. Noah when he speaks up.

"Alright guys, I have been thinking, what if we see each other three times a week instead of five?"

"Really?" I quickly reply.

"Yeah they have made great progress so far. I don't see why not."

Connor just nods as he picks up Jemma. Maggie however didn't seem so happy about the idea.

"But will you still come to my party?"

"Well.... " I began but he cut me off.

"Of course!"

Well then. This will be awkward. He walks us to the door and we all say our goodbyes.

"Bye guys! Enjoy the rest of your day Carly. "

"Thanks Dr. Noah, you too. "

The drive home was quick. And boy was I excited to be home. It's weird because at first I was so uncomfortable here. But these past few months, Lucy and Jim's home has become my sanctuary. They really did make this place so beautiful and welcoming. I'm glad I decided to stay here with the kids.

  Connor is first out of the car as soon as I park in the driveway. I then help Maggie and Jemma out.

The second I walk through the front door my nose is enveloped by Stacy's amazing cooking.

"Stacy we're home!"

"Hey!" She greets as she walks towards us.  Maggie runs up to her and jumps in her arms. They have all become very close and Stacy is very much apart of our little group.

"It sure smells good in here, what did you make?"

"Just spaghetti and meatballs, with some garlic bread and a small salad on the side."

"Mmmmm carbs, you're speaking my
language." She smiles and then turns towards Connor.

"Alright guys go wash your hands, and Connor can you help Jemma wash hers?"

"Sure Stacy"

The three of them head off to the bathroom as Stacy and I head towards the kitchen.

"Do you realize how amazing you are?"

"Ha of course I do, that's why I'm 28 and still single right?" She really will make someone very happy one day. Stacy is like a damn Martha Stewart around the house.

"Stop it, I'm single with three kids!"

We both laugh as she replies, "True you win!"

"Damn straight I do!"

She drastically sighs, "Seriously though mama needs some loving."

"Same girl, same."

After dinner Stacy went home and I put the kids to bed. I was now finally sitting down on the couch binging some Supernatural. Boy do I love me some Dean Winchester. Now all I need is a nice big cheap bottle of wine. I'm seriously signing up at Coscto next week and buying that shit in bulk.

After a couple of episodes my phone lites up with a new notification.

Hmmm, I definitely don't recognize that number.

'Hey, Carly, it's Noah. I'm sorry I'm bothering you so late I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something?'

  Dr. Noah???? How the hell did he get my number? Do I answer?

Another text came through and I literally froze.

'Can I call you?'

What!!!! Of course not, who the hell calls anyone, it's not the 90's! Of course my phone starts ringing with an incoming call so I  nervously answer.

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