Sixteen ~ Noah / Carly

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I don't usually tell anyone about my mom. Not because I'm ashamed, just because I got
tired of the pitty in their eyes. I don't need pitty and either does my mom. She overall
seems content, besides there's not much else anyone can do for her. I do want to continue being truthful and honest with Carly which means this conversation will have to come up soon. My ex gave me so much hell about my mother that I didn't even care when I caught her cheating. It was like a burden was lifted off of me. I literally lost 120 pounds of selfishness and stress. Good riddance, but I can't help but worry if my routine with my mom is going to bother Carly. I understand that spending every weekend with her is alot but I would never expect anyone else to do it. She gave everything to raise me and I'm not about to abandon her now just because she doesn't know who I am.

I'm even more nervous she's going to make me have this talk with her this early on. What
if I am the wrong one and my bitchy ex was right. I get it, it's probably not normal to spend so much time on what some would call a useless cause. But like I said before, I'm not abandoning her when she needs me, I'm all she has.

"Alright mom, I'm sorry I can't stay any longer today but I'll be by next Saturday, and most likely tuesday and thursday night as well. My 7:30 pm appointments are now only once a week so I can stop by some nights."

I bring her to the common area with the other patients and sit her down where she can watch some tv before giving her a kiss goodbye. When I get into my car I call Carly.
She happens to  pick up after one ring.

"Hey Noah."

"Hey, I'm just finishing up my things, I was thinking since it's such a nice day out we go to the fair outside of town with the kids. I just wanted to check in with you first before I get there and say it in front of them."

"They are going to love it. And Noah?"


She pauses a moment before continuing, "I trust you and your judgment, so stuff like that you don't have to check in with me first."

"I get it, thanks, but I don't know I was nervous. I don't want to over step. But again thank you."

"I know, it's not like your disciplining them, your just trying to make them happy. That's something good in my book."

"Well how good, do I get brownie points?"

"I don't really think you need them but sure you can have some brownie points. However, when you see how crazy they get on cotton candy you will regret everything." She quietly laughs at my expense.

"I'm like 10 minutes away. Oh and Carly, I will never regret anything that has to do with making you or the kids happy." She sighs over the phone then says goodbye.

***** Carly

"Guys, Noah will be here in 10 minutes get your cute butts down here please."

I packed up a nice big bag of "calm the hell down" snacks for the kids, plus a couple of
diapers and wipes this morning. So hopefully that should hold them over this afternoon. Soon Connor and Maggie come barreling down the stairs full of excitement.

"Now are we ready to have fun and be on our best behaviors with Noah today?"

"Yeah! Where are we going Titi?"

"Well he's pulling in now, how about you ask him yourselves. While I change Jemma's diaper." I waited for him to park and step out of the car before I opened the door letting them run out into our driveway. I can hear them both yell his name as they run to his car.

"Oah!" Jemma yells while I'm changing her diaper, clearly she hears her brother and sister as well. She's to damn cute for her own good.

Noah walks in with a grin from ear to ear and  Maggie on one arm and Connor hanging off the other.  " Ma'am I found these two wild animals outside. Are they yours?"

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