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Hi guys, I'm still alive. I've just been having a lot on my mind and I've been more interested in writing/reading yandere than normal books. Right now I'm writing a YANDERE book that I may publish soon.

I just haven't been feeling motivated to update. I've been busy with school, having mental breakdowns, etc.

My girlfriend and I are both trying to work out things in our individual lives and supporting each other as much as we can.

Yes, your author-chan is gay. If your homophobic leave off my page, I don't want to hear it. My girlfriend means a lot to me and we're having some home-life problems with our family's.

So please respect that I have my individual life and need to take care of some things.

If my grammar is bad I'm sorry, I'm writing this on my phone without my writing app up.

Anyways, I will try to update today if possible.

I want to finish one assignment for school so I don't have to stress about it by the end of the week.

Anyways, updates coming soon!

Have a good day loves!

Stay cool 🍄🍃🏳️‍🌈



Please like/comment if you can/if you like the story, it usually motivates me. But if your email doesn't work or it wasn't your favorite chapter that's alright.

Burned Feathers~HawksxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now