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I finally have time to update another chapter! I'll soon be able to have more free time to update because next week is Christmas break! I also have some more inspiration because people are beginning to read this story and like it, which I appreciate because it gives me some more confidence to keep on writing. I haven't read the manga yet, so if I don't get everything right please spare me and don't sacrifice me to the gods. 

Also, I talk about styling Y/N's hair in the chapter. Just letting you know I'll do everything in my power for all hair choices because I get really irritated when a story makes me have long hair, even though I have a boy cut. 

Anyways, on with the story!


You woke up to the alarm on your phone blaring. 

"Ugh shut up." Rolling over and slamming your hand on your phone, you turned off the alarm. 

"That's fucking irritating." You groan as you groggily get out of bed. You go to the mirror and see your hairs a mess, your clothes are dragging down, and there's a little drool on your cheek. 

"Oh come on!" You yell while throwing your arms in the air. 

Grabbing your costume and going to the shower, you hear your phone ding. 

Annoying Jack Ass

AJA: dont forget our coffee date :)

SC: seriously? i can't have a moment's peace? 

AJA: not with me around chickadee ;)

SC: first of all, the winky face again? second of all, whats with all the nicknames

AJA: i like giving nicknames dont judge me >:(

SC: oh so you an angry bird now 

AJA: 9'o-clock at grindhouse 

SC: oh so you are irritated

AJA: im not!! i just wanted to give you the location :(

SC: ok ok, ill be there

AJA: see you then spicy chicken ;)

SC: pedo

AJA: winky faces are cute so shut it ;;;;))))


You left him on read and took your shower. You debated on not wearing your costume but you knew you would have to head to your agency as fast as you could after this stupid coffee meet-up, so you had no choice. 

Hopping out of the shower, you got dressed, dried your hair, and S/T (style of choice). After you lightly did your makeup and walked out of your apartment, going to the location Hawks sent you. 

You were there 5 minutes late on purpose because you wanted to see his reaction. 

Walking in and scanning the room, you saw him with a bored expression. He looked up as the door chimed and smirked when he saw you. 

Burned Feathers~HawksxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now