Chapter 17

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I could hear an over barring beeping noise next to me. I tried to move my hands to cover my ears, but I felt something holding me down. I stopped moving when what sounded like a door opened and footsteps approached wherever I was. I could hear a chair moving across the floor. I couldn't really muster enough courage to open my eyes fearing I was still alive, but then I hear his voice

"Why'd you have to do it Grace?" I felt his fingers loop with mine. 

I wanted to cry, he sounded so hurt and tired like he hadn't slept in weeks. How long had I been out? Were we in a hospital? I still couldn't get myself to open my eyes so I just stayed their listening to him talk, letting him rub circles on my hand which felt nice. Then I felt his hand leave mine and I suddenly felt lonely, I missed his touch which was so weird. I wasn't a clingy person 

'why did I want his touch?'

"Tyler you need to go home, this isn't health" 

'Ashley? When did she get in here?'

"What if she wakes up and I'm not here?"

"The doctor said she may never wake up Tyler, and if she does it won't be pretty"

"She's going wake up Ash" I heard her sigh

"Leave Tyler, I'll watch her" I heard her finally give in

There was a little more talk about Nash being here to take Tyler home before he finally left. It was so hard not to just get up and run after him, I was to scared of what might happen. I heard Ashley let out an overwhelming sigh of relief before I heard her take a seat next to me. I felt her head lean against the bed as she hummed lowly before talking

"Damn it Gracie, do you know what you've done?" I could feel the disappointment radiating off of her "you've got Tyler in a mess and I don't think I've ever seen him so distraught until I found him holding you all bloody and wet in his arms"

'Tyler found me? Oh god, no one was meant to find me at all' 

With all my strength and little courage I could muster I opened my eyes to a lightly dark room only a little light coming from the lamp on a table next to me. I blinked my eyes trying to get them used to being open and I turn my head to look at Ashley who's head was still laying next to my arm, I slightly moved my arm nudging her head

"Wha-" her head shot up looking like she'd seen a ghost "Gracie?" She grabbed my wrist and I flinched at the pain "Sorry" she whispered, letting go quickly

I looked down to see bandages covering up both my arms and sighed looking back at a still shocked Ashley. I started moving my hands as I saw leather cuffs on my hands. 

'What the hell were these for?'

 I looked up at the dark ceiling and a tear fell from my eye as I realized and processed what Ashely had said to me. I felt a finger reach up and whip my tear away, I turned my head away from her

"I-m so-r-ry" I whispered weakly, sadly she hadn't heard me

"Don't cry ok, I'll go get the doctor" she told me patting my shoulder before taking off out of the room

Tears continued to stream down my face as I realized I'd fucked up. Tyler, but why would he care so much? Why did it affect him so much that I tried to end my life? Question after question ran through my head making my heart pound in my chest and the heart monitor start to beep louder and louder. Quickly the doctor and nurses came running in with Ashely not far behind them

"Hey hey, calm down" I tried to sit up only to get my shoulders pushed back down

"No ones going to hurt you, just relax"

I could hear a cry from the far room making me look over at Ashley. She was being pushed out of the room I was pulling on the cuff making my wrists hurt before I felt a pinch in my arm and I was out like a light. 

743 words


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- So I pulled some of her thoughts about Tyler, What do you think?

3- How often do you curse?


Republished date- June 18, 2021

~ TheDevil

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