Chapter 28

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I should not have come, I climbed back into the car and slammed the door catching the attention of those close by. I should not have come. I kept repeating that to myself. Why did I come in the first place? I should have just gone home. There was a knock on the window that scared me, I turned to see Ashley, she was about to open the door but I hit the lock button

"Gracie?!" She called throw the window

There were more muffled voices before the car unlocked and the door was thrown open

"Are you ok?" Ashley asked concern written all over her face

"Yeah, I don't know what I was think when I agreed to come here"

"How come?" I turned away from her to stare at the back of Tyler who was working on his car, Ashley caught on quickly "Tyler..." She whispered

"I shouldn't have come" I looked at the seat in front of me

"Do yo-"

"Hey Ash!" Someone called out to Ashely cutting her off "We need you help over here"

"I'll be right back"

She closed the door and walked away leaving me alone once again. I turned to look out the window watching Tyler whip his hands on a rag and look around spotting the car, I duck down even though the windows are quite tinted. I peak over the window to see Tyler walking into the tent next to his car. 

I search the area and spot Ashley hanging out next to a group of girls that are huddled around a car. I get out quickly rushing over to the group shoving my hands in the pockets of the blue jean jacket I'm wearing. 

"Hey Gracie" Ashley smiled "Girls this is Gracie, my mom adopted her a bit ago"

"Hello" was heard from most of the girls

"Hi" I smile weakly "Ashley... Can you take me home?" I asked pulling my hands out and crossing my arms

"Yeah sure, I just want to watch Tyler race" I flinched at his name

"Please" I whispered slightly begging

"Alright" She looked at me with pity

"Leaving so soon? But you just got here" By the look on everyone's faces I know the person behind me is trouble "Don't want to watch that boyfriend of yours race?" I slowly turned to see Cash starring at me with a ugly smirk on his ugly face

"Get away" Mesa and Ashely pushed me back behind them, Mesa pulled out her pocket knife

"Just came to wish Tyler good luck, I have a feeling he's going to need it"

"Fuck off Holester" Ashley growled

"You can fuck me anytime" that stupid smirk was still on his face as he walked away

"Sick bastered" One of the girls mumbled

"So who's your boyfriend, Gracie?" I turned to look at a blonde headed girl

"He's not my boyfriend anymore" I felt tears wanting to fall, I could see Mesa giving me a weird look, however Ashley knew what I was talking about

"Then who was your ex?"

"When were you planning on telling me we broke up? Because I sure the hell didn't know we broke up" I felt a tear slip down my face, I quickly whipped my face and turned to Tyler trying to keep a straight face

"I thought that when I kicked you out of my room -my life- you'd get the hint" I heard footsteps walking away before it felt like it was only Tyler and I in this parking lot

"I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened to make you want to walk away from this -us-" the tears were about to fall, he looked so pained and hurt "So please do tell me, because a week ago you -or at least I thought you liked me- so tell me" he whispered the last part

"I figured out that we are not good for each other. You are not good for me"

"Did someone plant this idea in your head?" When I didn't answer he laughed darkly "Was it Mesa?" I shook my head no "Ashley?" I hesitantly shook my head "Marcy?" I turned away from him "Of course, even if Marcy helps me out a lot -she does not like me because of where I come from and who I'm related too"

 "Tyler! It's your time to shine"

"Ok" Tyler turned to me, he looked as if he needed to say something, but he kept quiet. Turning away from me he started walking away

"Tyler" I grabbed his arm "Please be careful tonight, Cash said some really chilling words earlier"

"Don't worry about me Gracie, I'm not your problem" with that he walked away and the tears fell

"I'm sorry" was all I whispered 


861 words

I know I've been MIA for the last two or so weeks, I went on an adventure to go look at colleges! Anyways there will be one other chapter today and more to come on sunday


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Are you ok with how this chapter went?

3- How are you feeling on how this book is going so far?


Republished date- July 23, 2021


~ TheDevil

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