Chapter 11

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I was sitting on the hospital bed as Marcy checked me over, apparently I was going to moving into her home. I really don't want to intrude, but she said she'd love to have me there. I was brought clothes as well, I was given a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants along with vans. I had asked for the baggy clothes, I didn't want anyone outside looking at my scars, though they would see the bruises on my face

I slowly made my way out of the hospital with Ashley. I kept my head down with my short hair covering most of my face, I missed my hoodies. I wrapped my arms around my body as I sat in the front seat of Ashley's car. I was scared to move and get anything dirty, I need a shower badly. I laid my head back as music lightly played in the background, she seemed to like country music

Soon we arrived at a large two story house, it was beautiful to say the least. I didn't move out of the car, I couldn't go in there. I would probably ruin everything just by standing there. Eventually Ashley got me out of the car and we walked into the house, it was so clean and nice. I was an odd ball out that's for sure. I didn't belong here, I shouldn't be intruding in their family home

"Your room is right next to mine and my moms room is just a-crossed from mine. So if you need one of us just knock" she smiled and we walked up the stairs

"I shouldn't be here, I don't belong here. It's nice and all, but you people are a family. I'll be ruining that by being here" i write out and handed the note pad to Ashley. She read it slowly and then turned to look at me

"You won't be ruining anything, look it's just my mom and I" she had a sad smile and walked into a room motioning me to follow "My father left years ago, it'll be nice to have another person in this big house"

"This is all for me?" I give her the note pad and look around

It was bigger then my old room, back at the hell hole. A queen sized bed was centered under a big window, side tables on either side. A desk was against the wall to the right next to a door, I slowly moved to open it. It was a small walk in closet, big enough for the small portion of clothes I have. On the left side of the room there was another door, it was a big bathroom. Well bigger then my old one. I nod my head in thanks, she seemed to get what I was saying

"Your very welcome" Ashley was sitting on the bed watching me look around "We'll go get you new clothes soon" I nodded taking the note pad from here

"I don't have anything to pay with" I sat next to her and and handed the note pad back to her. I laid back, the bed was soft

"We'll pay. Don't you say anything about paying us back, we just want to help" I smile lightly "Oh my god" she slapped a hand over her mouth "You smiled"

"People do that" I wrote and shook my head

"I haven't seen you smile, I like it" I smiled again and nodded looking at the ceiling. She laid next to me "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here" I turn to her and nod

It was kind of nice to hear that, I wish I could speak to show I was thankful. There was fear still showing it's self as I thought about what if my parents are still alive and what if they some how get away and find me? Why was I letting gang members save me? Was there anything really to save? So many questions ran through my head, it was giving me a headache. I need to stop

Maybe this won't be so bad, maybe one day I could speak again. Maybe one day I could be happy? I laugh in my head, me happy? Never. God wants me to suffer, for what I have no idea, but I must have done something. Lisa and Jim always told me when I was first adopted that I was a disappointment and that god wanted them to hurt me as punishment. I of course believed them, because otherwise why was I here?

Ashley left not long after and said she was going to go shower and told me to take one as well to relax my muscles. I took her advice and was now sitting in a bath under the warm water, I don't remember the last time I have a bath. It was always a quick shower. Soon I got out and jumped back into the clothes from the hospital and crawled into the bed, I found myself falling asleep slowly. It was nice

830 words

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2- Who is your favorite character so far?

3- Would you rather live in a big house or little house?


Republished date- June 14, 2021

~ TheDevil

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