Chapter 24

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I was back at home, I guess you could call it that. Sitting on the roof at midnight, watching the stars and moon as they move around slowly in the sky. Not may people see them move because they don't take the time to actually look and watch them.

"Juliet, oh Juliet -let down your hair" I looked down at where Tyler stood

"What are you doing?"

"Coming to see the beautiful Grace" he shrugged climbing up the side of the house and I froze. I laughed

"Yeah right"

"your beautiful Grace, don't say your not" he sat next to me and laid a hand on my cheek

"Tyler..." I started

"Don't" he held a finger on my lips "Now, lets go" he grabbed my hand, but I didn't budge

"Where are we going?" I questioned

"You'll see, now come on" I followed him to the edge of the house

He jumped off the roof and at first I hesitated before jumping into his arms. We rushed off to his car and he sped away before I got caught sneaking out at midnight. We just kept driving and driving for what felt like forever, but I didn't mind it. He had one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh rubbing circles with his thumb. I leaned back and laughed as we talked a little about ourselves. Well more like he told me stories, I didn't have many great stories to tell.

I look up and see lights in the distance, I look over at Tyler confused and he only smirked speeding up. Soon we pulled up to a run down race track with lots of really nice cars parked all around. There were girls in no clothes and guys checking them out or looking over their cars. We came to a stop next to a big dark blue tent, slowly I climb out and walk over to Tyler who led me into the tent. I look around and spot the whole gang sitting around, including Ashley

"When the hell did you sneak out?" I question her sitting down on the bean bag next to her

"A few minutes before Tyler picked you up" she shrugged

"Why didn't you just take me with you?"

"Because I wanted to show you the track" Tyler picked me up and I squealed a little before he placed me on his lap in the bean bag

"Aww look at you both" Ashley gushed

"Gross" I heard Mason gag and I rolled my eyes before turning around to Tyler pushing my face in his shoulder

"So who am I racing tonight?" Tyler asked and Nash stood up pulling out his phone before reading off a text

"Cash Holster" Nash rolled his eyes "He requested to race you for the title. The boy's gonna get his ass beat" I think this is the most I've really ever heard Nash say and he didn't sound happy

"When will that kid learn?"

The girls and I were laughing while the guys checked over Tyler's car. Suddenly a buzzer rang and people started cheering, the girls stood up dragging me alone to see Tyler line his car up next to a bright yellow car. Honestly I couldn't tell you what type of cars they were nor did I care. Tyler got out and motioned me over which I was hesitant to complied

"Give me a good luck kiss" he whispered in my ear before looking behind him with a smirk. I look and see a guy with a scowl before turning to Tyler

"You just want to piss him off and I-I this would be my first" I whispered the last part

"Just kiss me" I slammed my lips on his and he smirked before I pulled away and patted his shoulder walking away. He slapped my ass and I narrowed my eyes at him

"That was uncalled for" I huffed and walked away. Ashely was all squealy about me getting my first kiss with Tyler when I got back over to her

The guys placed some money in another mans hand and motioned for them to get into their cars. Tyler was smirking and winked at me before climbing into his car. I rolled my eyes and watched a girl with no clothes on step in front of them with some flag in her hand. She looked at the two drivers and threw her hands up, counting down from five and throwing her hands down and spinning around to watch them race off. I cheered for Tyler.

It looked like the other guy was gonna win when Tyler pulled ahead at the last second, making Tyler the winner. He stopped and I walked over to him with everyone else and he quickly pulled me into his arms. Leaning down he pressed his lips to mine and I responded instantly, everyone cheered him on circling his car screaming his name. Pulling away he looked over towards the guy he raced and I followed his gaze to see the guy fuming. He was pissed

"Your mistake, Cash -was thinking you'd beat me- again. When will you learn you'll never beat me?" Tyler called out

"I'll beat you one day Tyler" he growled getting in his car and speeding away

"Time to celebrate" Tyler told me as we walked towards the tent with his arm wrapped around my shoulders and mine on his back

923 words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- They had their first kiss. What do you think?

3- Would you like to see more gang related chapters? 


Republished date- June 28, 2021

~ TheDevil

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