part 15

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after talking for a while they got up walking back inside then y/n heard someone knocking so she opened the door and corey was standing there and she looked at his finger noticing a wedding ban then she looked back at him

Corey: me and cat got married last week
Y: congrats i guess
Corey: i just wanted to clear the air y/n i really did like you i don't know if i loved you as much as i said but i definitely liked you like you're so chill and funny and it was a really spiritual connection like everything i was thinking you said and so on but i really love cat and i'm sorry that i lied to you
Y: i just don't understand why lie
Corey: because i wanted to just be best friends but i thought you wanted to be more and after you told me your past i didn't want to just leave and be the reason you did you know
Y: yea i kind of see what you mean but it's fine corey it's in the past
Corey: can we still be friends please
Y: sure we can be friends
Corey: thank you

corey hugged y/n then he walked off getting in his car and driving off and y/n turned around looking at kobe and rubbing her temples so he walked to her hugging her and kissing her forehead

Kobe: did that help with anything
Y: ugh not really one on the lips would though
Kobe: which ones
Y: haha no we gotta go get the kids so come on
Kobe: mhm later though
Y: yea later kobe

y/n laughed and kobe kissed her then they walked out the house getting in the car and driving off going to vanessas house once they got there they got out the car knocking on the door and king and leilani came running to them hugging their legs

Y: hey babies where's grandma
King: upstairs with grandpa

y/n looked over at kobe and he walked past the kids going upstairs and into his parents room once y/n heard yelling she got the kids stuff then went to the car buckling them in then she got in the front seat sitting there just on her phone

Y: so why'd grandpa come over
Leilani: he said he wanted to kiss grandmas lips so i said mama kisses our lips and he said i don't mean the ones on her face
Y: he said what now
Leilani: that's what he said and i asked him what he meant and he said i'll understand when i'm older
Y: yea you might not be seeing grandpa for a while

while leilani kept talking y/n texted kobe what she told her then they stayed in the car for nearly an hour until kobe came outside getting in the car then slamming the door shut and driving off he was quiet for half of the ride so y/n grabbed his hand and he looked at her then back at the road

Kobe: i'm sorry i'm fine
Y: what happened
Kobe: apparently she's back with the bastard
Y: how do you feel about it
Kobe: obviously not good
Y: sorry i asked
Kobe: no baby it's fine i'm just pissed off that he left for nearly my whole fucking life then she takes him back he abandoned her when she needed him the most and she doesn't even care i could understand if he was there the whole time and just messed up or something but he left her to raise me all on her own and she's taking him back
Y: well when you love someone enough sometimes it's hard to just move on especially when you see them everyday it just makes it ten times harder so you really can't blame her
Kobe: but if he loved her as much as he says he wouldn't have left her in the situation she was in he would've stayed with her and took care of her when she was carrying his child she didn't fucking make me by herself so why'd he leave as if she did
Y: i don't know babe but if she loved him enough to put all that aside and just focus on the present then maybe you should just be happy for her
Kobe: and what do i do if he leaves her again
Y: be there for her like you've always have whenever she needed you then you were there for her and this time is no different if shit happens then be there
Kobe: you always know how to calm me down that's why i love you
Y: i love you too baby

kobe kissed y/ns hand rubbing it with his thumb and continued driving home when they got there they unbuckled the kids then grabbed their bags and walked to the door unlocking it and going in then king ran upstairs to his room while leilani went to her playroom and kobe and y/n went into the living room

Kobe: you ever think about having another baby
Y: ehh i don't know wouldn't it be a major ago gap
Kobe: and
Y: then the new one wouldn't have anyone to play with leilani is already three and king is five
Kobe: i just miss them relying on me i hate it that they're just always off doing their own thing
Y: ehh i'll think about it but i'm not sure
Kobe: if the age gap is your biggest concern then don't worry about that they'll have us and we're pretty cool so they'll be fine
Y: no my biggest concern is what if we don't last then the new baby will have to be put through all the confusion on where their dad is all the time why their mom is crying and who's the new people they're always introduced to it'll get stressful for me and the baby
Kobe: i don't know what the future holds for anyone else but i don't plan on messing up any time soon


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