Chapter 15 - Regretful Thinking

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Kaori's POV

I woke up to the pound of my head aching. I refused to open my eyes, the fear of lights hurting my head more kept me from doing so. After a few minutes, I began to feel the rest of the pain throughout my body. It was a dull full body ache, mainly soreness but a little bit stronger. I listened intently to the room around me, my ears picked up on the rhythmic beating of a machine that seemed to be measuring a heartbeat. I felt something weird on my face and in my nose. Then I noticed the type of clothes I was wearing. It felt weird and odd, loose and uncomfortable. Then I felt some kind of thing poking my arm and hand. My mind then caught up and realized on either of my sides, my hands were being held. One hand was warmer than the other, and the other was more scarred than the warm one. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, and looked around the room. I noticed a green mop of hair belonged to the scarred hand, and a familiar blonde mop of hair belonged to the warm hand. I smiled, Kacchan and Izu. They're okay... I'm glad... For a minute I thought they were asleep and were laying their heads on the edges of the bed, but I realized only Katsuki was asleep. I noticed a vase on the table beside Izu, I noticed the open note beside it. The vase was filled with roses and honeygolds, and the note read,

You know where to find me ;)

Keigo.  I realized with a smile. I noticed that the flowers had begun to wilt, like they had been there for a few days. Memories flooded my mind from the past few months, Izuku, Katsuki, Keigo, and all of Class 1-A. The truth of who I was and the truth of the Creed. Then lastly, the memory of the fight with the League of Villains Wannabes. I looked over to Izu, I couldn't see his face but I knew he had been crying. On top of that, both of them were in regular clothes. How long had it been? How many days...? How long have I been unconscious?   I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to know. "Izu? What happened?" My voice mumbled, it hurt to speak, like scratching nails along a chalkboard. His head shot up like a bullet, "K-Kaori?!" He exclaimed, his eyes going wide, a huge smile making its way to his face as tears flowed. I chuckled lightly, "I think so? I'm not dead am I?" I asked, a small smirk on my face. He blushed, jumped up and wrapped his arms around my neck. "You're okay!! I'm so g-glad! I t-thought we l-lost you!" He cried as I hugged him the best I could with my one arm. "Huh? Nerd?" Kacchan slowly stirred, his other hand moving to wipe his face. "Hi Kacchan," I lightly waved at him over Izuku's shoulder. His eyes went wide too before he jumped up and wrapped his arms around the both of us, "Kaori!". I smiled, I felt safe in an instant. I felt like no one could hurt me right here, surrounded by Izu and Kacchan, I felt so at home.

What's happening to me...?

I wondered.

Shadow: Kaori... do you realize what you told Izu before that villains' fist collided with our body?

Huh? What do you mean?

Shadow: You told him you loved him...

I did...?!

Shadow: Mmhmm.

Oh shoot...

"Guys, what happened? Where is everyone?" I cleared my throat to keep the blush on my face hidden. Kacchan pulled back first so I quickly averted my eyes. Izu followed shortly after so again I averted my eyes to my hands on the bed. Kacchan slowly moved his hand underneath my chin, making me look at him. A huge smirk on his face, Izu took the chance and ran his knuckle along my blushing cheeks. "Tell me first... why you're a tomato... Kaori," Kacchan cooed. I gulped and blushed more, "H-huh! It's n-nothing! N-nothing at all!" I made a very quick look at Izuku before looking back to Katsuki. "Nothing? Really~?" Kacchan purred, his voice electric to my body. Izu moved towards my ear, a smirk along with a blush on his face, "Does it have something to do with... what you said to me... when you switched our places?". I blushed more and quickly moved back against the bed. "N-no!" I stuttered, averting eyes to the floor. Before either of them could say anything, a polite knock at the door grabbed our attention. "So I see the hero of the day woke up?" A person in a uniform said. I noticed the clipboard in his hand, that's when I realized where I was. The hospital. Immediately I panicked and rushed to get the wires and crap off me. Before they could even process what had happened, I was unattached to everything and over by the window in the corner, holding myself protectively. Two steps from banging open the window door and hightailing out of there. The heart monitor started flatlining when I disconnected, so Izu and Kacchan were staring wide-eyed at me. But they quickly realized my panic and rushed over. "Hey, it's okay. They're not going to hurt you," Izuku calmed as he grabbed me in a hug. I couldn't muster anything other than an "I'm not in the system." They quickly leaned out of the hug to look at me in confusion, then it hit them. They turned towards the doctor, both of them standing in front of me protectively, "How did you know her real name?" Kacchan claimed, his voice lost its teasing manner and was replaced with a protective alarm. The doctor seemed confused by the situation before he very calmly said, "An individual gave it to me. Shortly after everyone got here. Said her name was Kaori Takami. W-why?". My eyes went wide before I quickly made my way out from behind the boys and grabbed my stuff from under the bed. "Wait, what are you doing?" Izuku asked me, quickly rushed over to catch the bathroom door where I was going to change. I gave him a "Don't question me look" and he quickly nodded and closed the door. I quickly worked my way out of the stupid hospital gown and back into my hero costume as I listened to the conversation outside. "What are you doing?! She can't leave! She has to be checked over and examined before we can release her!" The doctor exclaimed. Footsteps followed so I quickly realized Kacchan moved towards him while Izu stayed by the bathroom door in case I needed him. "I recommend you sign off on her discharge papers now unless you want to deal with me," Kacchan's harsh voice that only came out when he was angry... or protective - stated. A moment of silence followed, probably the doctor straightening up his posture before he finally spoke again. "Alright, I'll have them gathered and signed shortly." Another moment of silence passed before I heard footsteps. I realized that the boys had brought some regular clothes from home for me, so I changed into those instead. I opened the door, Izu almost fell into me but I caught him. A blush appeared on his face, our faces were an inch apart. I held back a gasp and just quickly wrapped my arms around his stomach. I knew he noticed how badly I was shaking because he wrapped his own arms around me protectively, moments later, another set of warmer arms joined. I was surrounded by their arms, and almost... all of my worries faded away. "Are you okay?" Izu whispered against my ear, his voice worried but calm. I slowly shook my head, but couldn't bring myself to say anything. His arms tightened around me, and so did Kacchan's.

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