Unsent Letters

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Icarus, Mayes, Pandora, and Damen had been living in Arx Volatus for months now. The four of them definitely enjoyed the mountain village but it wasn't Erran by any means. The simple wood and stone buildings just didn't live up to the magnificent sandstone architecture of the city they once called home, but the village did have it's own charm. Arx Volatus was always bustling with movement and sound, people talking about different things happening around the city and guardsmen arguing and trading around contracts. 

Icarus was walking up the hidden staircase once again after spending the day down by the little waterfall lake. He decided to go meet up with Mayes as he climbed up the stairs, shaking out his long curly hair and tying it up in a handsome man-bun. Guardsmen and townsfolk alike waved and called out to the triton as he emerged from the staircase and wondered his way through the winding streets towards the outskirts where the fields were, where he knew his friend would be finishing their shift. Mayes quickly spotted their blue friend waiting by the fence and called out his name to get his attention, handing their basket off to a younger human girl. Mayes thanked her and quickly ran up to the fence.

"Hey Icarus! what's up?" Mayes called out as they made it to the fence.

"Hey!" Icarus said, smiling, "I just wanted to stop by and say hey. And maybe ask if you wanted to hang out later? Seems like forever since we've all hung out together."

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Mayes said, walking along the inside of the fence and Icarus walked along the outside. Soon the two got to a gate and Mayes exited the enclosure. The two of them walked through the village again, waving and smiling at friends as they walked towards the library. The pair found Pandora hunched over a book, reading furiously. 

"Woah, slow down there firefly, you might make your eyes hurt if you read too much." Icarus said, leaning his hands on the back of her chair and picking up one of the books strewn around her, "'The Many Uses of Alchemy in Life', sounds interesting?"

Pandora looked up at him, her face strained and her eyes irritated, "What do you want Icarus? I'm trying to work here."

Icarus just smiled at her, unfazed by the coldness in her voice, "Me and Mayes are going to the tavern, you wanna come with?" Pandora looked back down at her books longingly but she shrugged nonetheless and stood, packing some papers into her bag. She waved her hand and the books that were previously strewn across the table and floor around her closed themselves neatly and flew back to settle into their original shelves with an unnecessary amount of force. So the trio set off once again, towards the tavern this time. That is, until Mayes stopped them and asked if they should invite Damen. Icarus agreed a little too quickly but the other two just pretended not to notice. 

"Do we know where Damen is today?" Pandora asked.

"Mmmm, i guess not huh." Icarus replied, "I guess, Mayes, you can go on ahead to the tavern in case Dames is already there preforming. Pandora, would you go to the blacksmith's and check for him there? And i could check his room in case he's babysitting again." They all agreed to this plan of action and went on their ways. Mayes didn't find him at the tavern so they just decided to stay there and wait for the others to get back. Pandora also didn't find him at the blacksmiths so she just decided to head to the tavern and wait there with Mayes. 

Icarus made his way up to Damen's apartment and knocked on the door. There was no answer so he just unlocked the door with his key. The four of them all had keys to each others apartments, in case of emergencies. Icarus poked his head in the door and called out for his friend. No reply. So he pushed the door open all the way and step inside the small apartment. It was not a complete disaster, unlike what Icarus was expecting, but there were still clothes and other random things strewn about the room. Icarus rolled his eyes and picked up the half full laundry basket from the other side of the room. He then proceeded to go around the room, picking up clothes and putting them in the laundry basket. He places the basket down again and went to straighten up some more of the room. He may have also stolen one of Damen's shirts to wear as a bedtime shirt but who was gonna know? Icarus threw open the curtains to let the fading light filter in while it still had some time to before going over to the desk and stacking some of the papers into neat piles. There was some paperwork for orders for the blacksmithing shop, which the triton stacked into one pile, and there were many messily colored in coloring pages all over the desk and floor. Examining them, Icarus couldn't tell if they were done by Damen or by the kids he babysat. He made a mental note to himself to buy some picture frames for Damen so he could hang those pictures on the wall. 

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