Nightmare - Cassian's POV

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I sit on the floor, in the middle of the night, meditating because I can't seem to fall asleep tonight. I'm just wearing a blue cotton undershirt that's slightly oversized and my underwear. I can feel the floorboards beneath my legs. The soft light of the small fire lit lantern turning the backs on my closed eyelids a slight orange color. Waves of calm wash over me as I sit there, blank empty silence in the air around me. Finally some peace and quiet, away from the rest of the loud obnoxious party that I seem to be stuck with at the moment. 'this couldn't be better' I think to myself. A small voice, in the back of my head, answers me, 'yes it could, if only...' The voice is cut off by an extremely quiet knock on my bedroom door. "speak of the devil and he shall appear" I wisper to myself, almost inaudibly. I silently get up from my spot on the floor, grab the little lantern from beside me, and head over to the door.
As I open it, I see Vanden standing there in a white silk undershirt that's slightly wrinkled and a pair of soft black pants. His shoulder length ginger hair hangs down loosely, a few pieces sticking out at odd angles. Jeez, how can he still look like so good when he probably just woke up from a nightmare. He bows his head slightly but I can still clearly see the tears that are slowly making there way down his face. "Nightmare?" I ask him quietly. He nods his head, not meeting my eyes. I take a step towards him and slide my arms around his waist. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, a few stray pieces of hair brushing my chin. I can feel his unsteady breath against my shoulder. His tears slowly seep into the fabric of my shirt. We just stand like that for a couple minutes, in the middle of the hallway. I sway ever so slightly and smooth his hair back down. After a minute, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. I hug him tighter. Before too long, he calms down and his breath returns to normal. I pull away from him and take his hand, leading him into my room. I sit him down on the side of my bed before placing myself down beside him.
He leans his head on my shoulder and mumbles "I'm sorry if I woke you up." I place my hand under his chin and pull him up so he's looking my in the face. "Don't worry my dear, you didn't wake me. I couldn't sleep so I was meditating instead." I say before softly kissing his forehead. He smiles slightly as I release him and lays his head back on my shoulder. "Sorry for disturbing you then." I gently kiss the top of his head "I always have time for you, my love. Always" I say softly. I slowly run my fingertips through his incredibly soft hair. He sags into my shoulder, obviously extremely tired. "You can go to sleep my prince." I say quietly. He shakes his head in response before looking up at me. "What if I have another nightmare?" He asks me fearfully. I look at him and smile, "I'll be right here to protect you. Like your knight in shining armor. I promise." He chuckles a little. "What?" I ask him indignantly. "Well, I don't know if I trust you then. If your armor shines, that just means you haven't actually done anything or protected anyone." He says, chuckling at his own joke. I sigh through my nose and say, in mock exasperation, "fine, I'll be your knight in extremely scratched and well used armor. Better?" "Much" he says.
He curls up on my bed, pulling the comforter up around him, and closes his eyes. He doesn't fall asleep immediately though. I get up and shut my door. When I come back, I crawl into bed behind him and lightly drape one arm over his waist. He snuggles back into me. I bury my face into his hair and breath in his wonderful scent. He smells like high quality fabric, pine wood, clean soap, and freshly baked bread. All scents that don't sound like they'd smell good together but when they all mingle and swirl together, they make the amazing smell that can only be discribed as Vanden.
"Cassian?" He wispers. "Yes, Vanden?" I answer. He lays his hand over mine, interlacing our fingers, "Thank you." He breathes. "Of course, my love. Go to sleep now. I won't leave, I promise." I murmer into his hair. "I know, goodnight Cassian" he wispers before his breathing slows and becomes deeper as he falls asleep. I stay awake for a short while until I feel my eyelids getting heavier. I can't help but feel a warmth in my heart. 'He came to me for comfort.' I think to myself and i smile. "Goodnight, my prince" I wisper softly. I kiss him very gently on the back of his head once more before dropping off to sleep.

*Hi, author here. What did you think of that? Personally, it warmed my heart. I'm gonna do this from Van's perspective next because I have an idea of what his nightmare was about. No one will probably read this because there are better ones elsewhere on the interwebs but hey, I gave it a shot. :) See you soon.
-The Author*

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