Letters to burn

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My dearest Vanden,

I don't really know how to write this, it seems rather stupid to me but Sariel said it would help. She says it's been plenty enough time and I need to stop wallowing. And frankly, she's right. It's been quite a few years and I need to get a grip on myself.

I miss you, my love. I miss your laugh and your smile and you trash sense of style. I miss every little detail and trait about you and I'd give anything to have you back. I love you so very much and I can't wait to see you again. It'll be hard but I'll survive, I promise. It seems like forever until I'll see you again.

Sariel and Boblem are still here with me. They frequently come to Mirrortail to check in on me but most of the time, they both stay on Boblem's farm. The farm always seems to be close by though, just in case. Aroseia kind of ran after you left, I think after Jocelyn it was just too much for her. They gave her your sword, just like you wanted. She came back a few months ago, with more money than she knew what to do with. Once a bounty hunter, always a bounty hunter. They all miss you a hell of a lot too, you know? Even if they'll never admit that. We sometimes sit in your study in comfortable chairs, drinking tea (Arose always has coffee), and talking about all the Dawnbringers memories we have. Its nice. But it would be nicer if you were by my side, my dear.

How are Elyse, Astra, and Jocelyn doing? I can't wait to see them again. Arose is just dying to see Jocelyn again. Boblem might go soon, I think. He's getting up there in years so prepare to see him soon.

You were the light of my life, the fire in my heart, the only happiness in this lonely existence I live. I'd give anything to hug you one last time. To kiss your forehead and tell you it's gonna be alright. I'm proud to have ruled beside you. I'm going to keep ruling to make you proud, of me and of the city. The years I spent with you are the most amazing years of my life and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I love you.

Until I see you again, my prince
- Cassian

Cassian sat there, tears streaming down his face as words poured out of him and onto the parchment. He was sitting behind Vanden's desk in his old study, the smell of the man he missed so dearly surrounding him. This was his favorite place to be. So much so that if someone needed to find him, this was the first place that they looked. Small perfect circles dotted the parchment from where his tears fell onto it.

As he finished signing his name at the bottom, the heavy door to the study creaked open. Arose poked her head in, "How you doing C? You alright?" Cassian lifts his head so she can see him properly. He's a wreck, eyes red and puffy from crying, tear tracks streaking down his face. Seeing this, Arose silently slips inside, shuts the door behind her, and walks over to the desk. She hugs him, resting her chin on his shoulder. Cassian gives a sad, watery chuckle at the familiar gesture and a smile tugs gently at the corners of his lips.

"What?" Arose asks indignantly.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just that Van used to hug me the same way when he was trying to make me feel better. He must have learned it from you." He answers her, letting a small grin play across his face. Arose just smiles up as him, tears shining in her eyes. "You done with your letter?"

"Yes, I just need to seal it up. Do you want to read it before I do?"

"If you'd let me, I'd love to."

Cassian picks up the letter from the desk after Arose let's go and hands it to her. Different emotions play across her face, from amusement to sadness to remanicence. She's full on crying as she hands the letter back, there are a few more tear dots but Cassian doesn't mind. Arose reaches for him and Cassian hugs her tightly.

Arose quickly let's go this time and walks towards the fireplace on the side wall and crouches in front of it. She traces a small pentagram in the air before placing a rune inside it that Cassian can't see and pushing it towards the fireplace. A fire roars up for a second before settling into a nice thing, not to big or hot. Just perfect. Then she stands, smiles as Cassian, and walks towards the door. Just before she leaves she says, "I'll leave you to it then, see you at dinner"

Cassian walks back over and takes an envelope from the desktop. He folds the letter up and before he places it in the envelope, he kisses it, leaving a light gold imprint on the paper. He then places it inside the envelope and seals it with gold wax and the seal Vanden always used when sending letters.

He walks over to the fire, which is happily crackling, and looks down at the letter in his hands. The firelight glints off his gold henna as he says, "find your recipient safe for me, would you?" And he drops the letter into the crackling fire. Tears shinning from the light of the fire, Cassian watches as his letter burns up, casting it's words to the heavenly plain to fine the love of his life. He can already imagine Vanden's smile as he reads what the elf wrote. Wrote in his letter to burn.

*Hey hey, 972 words y'all! It was originally going to be just the letter but I felt like that was too short for me and I needed some closure. I know I said that I was going to write some stuff without Arose but I can't help myself, I just love her so much and it warms my heart that you love her too. I was crying so hard as I was writing and I'm sorry for the possible sadness I've caused. Love you all and see you (hopefully) soon ❤️

---Alex C.*

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