Arose - 1

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*So y'all wanted some Arose. I'll give you some Arose!!! Thank you all so so much for liking her, she's my baby! So here we go! Y'all ain't ready for how much I have on her.*

Princess Aroseia Loki Bloodworth (Arose for short) is a pale skinned elf with slightly pointed features and stormy bluish grey eyes. She has bone straight black hair with strands of white sporadically placed throughout. Her hair falls to around her mid-back when it's down. Being only 5'4" and 98 lbs, she is quite nimble and fast. Outwardly, she is cold, sarcastic, and has a hard outer shell. Once you get to her, you will see that she cares very deeply for the people close to her and she will not hesitate to give her life for someone she cares about. Arose normally wears a cropped black tank top, high waisted black denim shorts that reach to about her mid-thigh and have crisscrossing cords running up the sides, knee high black combat boots with silver bearings, black lipstick, black bands around each of her wrists, black fingerless leather gloves, a black bandanna tied around her neck, and a simple black cloak. She also wears a simple silver chain necklace with the pendent of a tree around her neck. When she wants to hide her identity, she wears a black mask, that looks like it's made out of smoke, that she stores in her bag and she pulls the black bandanna up from around her neck to cover her mouth and nose. She wears an black industrial belt around her waist that holds her bag (which has been enchanted to hold much more that it appears to) on her right hip and her very old forest green runic book, black sketchbook, and dark blue notebook on her left hip. She also wears a thin black leather belt around her left thigh that holds 2 identical steel daggers, one black hilted and one white hilted. Around her upper torso, she wears a black leather holster that she has attached her 2 swords to. When looking at her from the front you can see a black hilt wrapped in black thestral skin leather over her right shoulder and a white hilt wrapped in white unicorn skin leather over her left shoulder. From the back, you can see that the 2 swords form an x across her back. Each sword has their own full respective sheath, one black and one white. If she were to unsheath the black hilted sword, Riptide, you would see that the blade is made of Celestial Bronze. If she were to unsheath the white hilted sword, Ethereal, you would see that the blade is made of Celestial Silver. When Arose presses the knot on top of the band on her left wrist, thick smoke covers her entire body from the neck down before condensing into skin tight black armor. She normally does this in battle before tying her hair up in a high ponytail. If she were to press the knot on the band on her right wrist, pretty much the same thing would happen but with mist covering her body instead of smoke and the armor would be white instead of black. The white sword, dagger, and armor once belonged to her identical twin sister, Lillith. Lillith gave Arose her weapons and armor when she left the city I search of her older brother, who had left the city 10 years earlier and never came back. Arose normally fights with her twin blades and daggers but, in ranged combat, she can draw pentagrams in the air or on the ground and put runes for different things inside it to cast a spell. When she casts these pentagrams, smoke follows the path her hands carve through the air. If she is casting on the ground, she just drags her hand through loose dirt on the ground. Arose enjoys being sarcastic, morning runs, donuts covered in chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles, studying runes, warm fires, hot baths, and studying runes for spellcasting. She also enjoys drawing landscapes, places, objects, and sometimes people.

*Hehe, what did you think? Do you like her? If not, oh well. She is going to appear in some future oneshots because I like writing about her. I created her for fun but I decided to put her in because I love her a lot! Please forgive her for making no sense. If you need a reference for how she casts, think of Dr. Strange. She casts kind of like he does. Hehe. Well anyway, I'll probably post an authors note later today as well. Thanks for being awesome. I love you. See you soon loves!
---Alex C.*

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