Nightmare - Vanden's POV

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So much water. Everywhere. Above me, below me, on every side of me as far as the eye can see. Im underwater. I'm in a cage underwater. I can't swim. I can't breath. I'm going to die. I'm gonna lose him. He's going to forget me. I can't lose him! I try to fight my way out. The rest of my friends are in cages too. Only I can help them. Only I can save them. I can't get out. I can't save them. I can't help them. I try to tell them I'm sorry. They shake their heads at me and glare. I'm a disappointment to them too. I'm a disappointment to everyone. They never liked me. He never loved me. I loved him but he never loved me back. Everything goes dark.
I gasp and sit straight up in my bed. Silent tears slip down my face. My heart is racing and only one thought is in my head. I need him. Before I even know what I'm doing, I'm up and out of my bed. I unbolt my door and pad softly down the hallway to Cassian's room. I listen to see if I can hear anything coming from his room. All I hear is complete silence so I raise an extremely tentative hand and knock very softly on the door. I don't even think you can call it a knock, it was more of a tap really. I tap my knuckle four times on this bedroom door before I take a step back and wait. I hear a quiet murmur and then quiet footsteps from inside the room. The door slowly opens and I immediately bow my head to hide the tears that are still streaking down my face. Slower than they were before yes but still there. Here I am, in my wrinkled shirt and well worn black pajama pants, crying outside someone's else's bedroom door like a little kid crying to their parents. "Nightmare?" I hear Cassian ask me, so quietly that I almost miss it. I just nod my head, not looking at him. I don't really want to talk right now. I'm almost regretting coming here at all, I should have let him sleep. He takes a step towards me and wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and think to myself, 'this is why I came here, this is what I wanted, this is why I love him so much.' Comforted my his arms, I just let the rest of my tears go, thoroughly soaking his shoulder. He doesn't seem to mind though. After a minute, I slowly wrap my arms around his shoulders and hugs him a little tighter. I feel his grip around my waist tighten. He sways a little and smooths my hair down, I relax a little more in his grip. We stay just like that, in the hallway, swaying for a couple more minutes before he pulls away. He gently takes my hand and guides me to sit on the edge of his bed before sitting beside me. I rest my head on his shoulder and breath in his scent. He smells like polished wood, fresh linen, mint, and the salty ocean breeze. On their own they all smell good but twisted and mushed together, they make a scent that I think only I could love. Cassian's scent. I love that smell so much, I almost get a little drunk on it. "Sorry if I woke you up" I manage. He puts one of his hands under my chin and lifts my head up. I can see the gold of his beautiful henna glinting off the fire light from the lantern on his nightstand. "Don't worry my dear, you didn't wake me. I couldn't sleep so I was meditating instead." He says before kissing my forehead gently. Him and his pet names. I smile as he releases me and I lay my head back on his shoulder. "Sorry for disturbing you then" I mumble. For that, I receive a soft kiss to the top of the head. "I always have time for you, my love. Always." He says softly. Back at it again with the pet names, huh? As he runs his fingers through my hair, I lean very heavily into his shoulder. Good gods I'm tired, but I can't go to sleep. What if the nightmares come back? "You can go to sleep, my prince" Cassian says quietly. He's not actually wrong with that pet name, but I don't voice this. I just shake my head and look up at him. "What if I have another nightmare?" I say in a small voice. I sound like a freaking child but I don't really care. He looks down a me and smiles, "I'll be right here to protect you. Like your knight is shining armor. I promise." I chuckle as the old joke Joss told me springs into the front of my mind. "What?" He asks. He almost sound a bit hurt? No... Indignant. Yes, indignant. "Well, I don't know if I trust you then. If your armor shines, that just means that you haven't actually done anything or protected anyone" I say, chuckling at my Joss' stupid joke. He sighs through his nose and says, in what I hope was mock, exasperation "fine, I'll be your knight in extremely scratched and well used armor. Better?" "Much" I says as I curl up on his bed and pull the comforter up around me. Everything in here smells so much like him, I love it so much. I close my eyes but I don't fall asleep immediately. Cassian gets up and after a couple seconds, I here the door click shut. He comes back (thank gods, i think to myself) and lays down behind me. He lightly puts one arm around my waist and buries his head in my hair. "Cassian?" I wisper. "Yes, Vanden?" He answers. I lay my hand over the hand he has on my waist and interlace our fingers. "Thank you" I breath. "Of course, my love. Go to sleep now. I won't leave, I promise." He says. I roll my eyes, 'like I'd let you' I think to myself but instead I say "I know, goodnight Cassian." I have absolutely no idea what he says after that because I immediately drop off into sleep. I swear I feel soft kiss on the back of my head and a murmur but that could very well be part of my dream.

*Author here. Ahhh! All done with that! I think I did really well but probably not to be honest. This one was actually a lot longer than the first one. Sorry! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading. I think I'm gonna update in the future but I don't really know yet. Hopefully I will. See ya later
--- The Author*

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